
Monday, February 21, 2011

tiny carts

{Filling up little carts at the little grocery store in Farmer City.}
This is what it looks like when we finally get out of the house after being sick and home bound for many many days.
Crocs in the middle of February___check.
Pajamas at 4:30 pm___check, check.
Everyone is feeling healthy, fever free and ready to take on bigger things. {Or tiny carts.}


Holly said...

Cuties!!! Where are these tiny carts? Farmer City Market?? Your boys are so handsome and cute at the same time!!! CUTIES!! :) So glad to hear everyone is feeling better!

jalison said...

Ha! Only in Farmer City and Winthrop, Maine would we venture out in our jammies and believe it's perfectly acceptable. Love the picture! I hope you let them fill up the carts with goodies of their choice! They are soooo adorable. Love, love, love.

Erica said...

Tiny carts are the best! Love this picture of the two out and about and grocery shopping!

Anonymous said...

I remember when Cory used to push the tiny carts. Ah, those were the days. Can't wait to see you guys.