
Tuesday, February 05, 2013

because we won't pass this way again

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it on here before; the saying my mom is prone to text to me or tell me across the phone lines when I'm fretting about such and such. It's usually something like, "just enjoy it and remember we won't pass this way again". It's not morbid to me but encouraging. A reminder when I'm in the valley of fear or doubt or hopelessness or worry that today is an opportunity I'll have only once chance to live. And an encouragement that tomorrow will be new and a fresh start.
A reminder to linger in pajamas, have a second cup of coffee, sit and play in the beams of the sun streaming through the window, say yes to rearranging the living room furniture (and some chairs) to build another fort, embrace a photo intruding puppy even though he sheds when he shouldn't.

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.{Lamentations 3:22-23}


Erica said...

Long mornings in pajamas are the best! The boys look so content and cute in their fort. A great fort it is too! The verse is encouraging to read today too. Love you guys!

Sara said...

Love these photos of your sweet boys and their fort and for the reminder to cherish each day.

Love you guys!
