I just love my boys. I really love having boys. I love the things I get to do and play with that I've never done before in my life. Like planting rows of beans and corn with Henry's tractor and planter and then putting the corn head on the combine and combining them all up. I mean, really, who even knows what that means? I never had a clue about farming and tractors and trucks until this sweet 2-year old boy was a part of my life. It's funny now that we have two boys, it seems like everyone's question is, "are you going to try for a girl?" It's a very innocent question, and it would be fun to have a girl - I really get the girl stuff and I'd love to see Patrick learn about girly things just like I've had to learn to combine. But it also makes me think about being satisfied and content. Satisfied with what we've been given - who's to say that we'd be able to have more children? (Grandparents reading, don't fret! We do want more children) I just want to be satisfied in a way with life where I feel full and any more blessings just add to that fullness. I also want to be content to rest our lives in God's hands and to not only accept his plans for our lives but to also receive them graciously. So if that means another boy, 2 or 10 more boys (ok, maybe not 10), then I will be thankful for God's plan and for those boys. Every child is such a gift (so cliche, I know) with his or her own unique plan and purpose.
Anyone with two same-gendered children get asked the same question? What do you think?
*this post turned into a lot more than just a silly picture of a mom and her two boys. Maybe I should wrap some of these thoughts into a New Year's resolutions post.
I am feeling this exact way right now. Growing up with one sister (although, she was a little tomboy), I definitely thought I would always be geared to be a mom to girls, but I am loving having boys. I'm not sure how many we'll have, but I feel like I would be happy with all boys (though, I do have all those Pretty Ponys, Cabbage Patch and other various girl toys that I saved at my parent's house :-)). I start to feel like it's other people who want or expect you to keep trying for a girl / boy depending on what you have.
Cute pic, by the way. William is looking really blonde?
Love you guys,
Love the top and earrings! You go girl! (Did I just "say" that out loud???!) :)
Having just had my third girl, I understand what you mean. I am so thrilled to have 3 healthy children. It really doesn't matter if we have a boy. It is kind of a silly question to ask if you are trying for a certain gender. The decision is not really up to us. I would also hate for my sweet little girls to think that I was not happy with them and hoping for something different.
Henry and William are adorable. Give them a big hug for me.
Girl I love you! You have such a great perspective. And you are so right. I always talk about our next child, hoping it will be a girl, but it really is about what God chooses to bless us with and I know I'll be happy and privileged to raise any child, girl or boy. This was a very thoughtful entry and I LOVE the picture - I love Henry's smile! And you'll have to teach me about what "combine" means - I may need to know that too!! xo!
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