Just in the past few weeks I've really noticed a change in his awareness. When I'm feeding him he gets really easily distracted by anything around us. If I'm eating he stops to watch me take a bite; if someone else is in the room he stops to watch them walk by; he stops to admire pictures on the wall; and always stops to watch big brother Henry. He's just really aware of what is going on now. It's great because he's really interacting and awake more, but it's tough because he's also moved out of his newborn falling asleep constantly throughout the day-ness. Because of that I started laying him down awake for his naps a few weeks ago and have had some ups and downs. The first few times were tough, he just cried and cried and I ended up picking him up feeling like a failure when he conked out in my arms. So I waited a couple of days thinking maybe he just wasn't ready and then tried again, trying really hard to time it right--after he ate, was changed and started showing signs of being sleepy. He's done well---he usually lays in his crib for a few minutes, then starts to fuss at which point I go into his room and give him his pacifier (he'll only take it if he's upset) and then he sucks on that pretty vigorously and falls asleep within a couple of minutes. But that hasn't been for every nap. There are days that I must totally miss the timing and his crying only escalates more and more at which point I pick him up and rock him to sleep.
His schedule has been that he takes a couple of shorter naps in the morning (only about 30 minutes each--short!) and then a long, marathon nap in the afternoon--3-4 hours. A lot of afternoons I wake him up after we eat dinner around 6! And just in the last week he's been having an earlier bedtime- I feed him around 7:30 and then he's out for the night usually--until around 5 or 5:30. The nap trouble is that when he falls asleep on his own, he's on his back and those are his shorter naps. In the afternoon I put him down on his tummy if he wakes up after 20 or 30 minutes and only then is it that he'll sleep those long stretches. So he definitely naps better on his tummy. So my trouble is that he doesn't like to be on his tummy if he's awake so how do I get him to fall asleep on his own (which he does on his back) but get him to sleep for a long stretch? Maybe it will get better when he can roll over and can choose to lay whichever way is the most comfortable for him. I feel like sleep issues are the most stressful ones with babies. I remember always feeling that way when Henry was a baby. I'm anxious to have William on more of a schedule so that I'll know what to expect. I'm also still not confident with his naps and laying him down awake, so that feels stressful too. I'm feeling the old 'I don't want him to feel abandoned' feelings.

I totally feel you with the stresses of infant sleeping! Gabi will go to sleep on her own at night, but we still struggle with the naps. Plus, she still gets up once (sometimes twice) at night to eat, so we need to eliminate that. I keep thinking once we start on cereal (hopefully next month) she won't wake up any more at night. She was wearing one of the onsies you gave her today under a sweater and the onsies (3-6 mo) barely fit! We should get together sometime soon. If not, I'll definately see you on the 2nd!
Yay for updates! He is such a cutie...it's been too long since we've seen you guys. I agree with you on the baby clothes change-out, and it seems like you have to do it so often in those first few months. I finally jut got Caleb's organized again and I agree - he will be out of these soon, too! William looks like such a sweetie. I'm glad he's doing well. I would give you nap advice, but you know how our naps are going. :-) The tummy / back thing is hard, though. I will sometimes lay Caleb on his tummy, but then he'll roll to his back (but not back to his tummy) and won't go to sleep that way. It's always something. I thought I would be much less stressed about sleeping / napping with the second baby, but not the case. :-)
Thanks for the pics and update.
William is getting cuter and cuter every day. Can he BE any cuter? I think not!
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