Henry is officially 2 1/2. The next milestone is his third birthday. There is just no way that I can have a 3-year old! A confession of mine is that I've always been able to imagine myself with babies and small children. I honestly cannot imagine myself with a 7-year old. And the confession part I guess, is that it terrifies me. What happens when your children don't think you're funny or right anymore?

In celebration of Henry's 2 1/2 years we had a doctor's appointment for a check up. Taking him to the doctor since he was around 18 months has been terrifying for he and I. He basically fought and screamed the whole way through and it was just never any fun. I was nervous about how things would go having both he and William at the appointment. I really tried to prepare him for his appointment and tried to pump him up about seeing the doctor. And I was pleasantly surprised when he did great! He actually climbed up onto the exam table and laid there very willingly while the doctor examined him. I was so proud of him. Here are his stats: Weight: 36 lbs (100%=off the charts) Height: 36 1/2 inches (80%) I think it's weird that he's over half of my height and Patrick's too!

This stage has been so much fun. I really love the age he's at. (I have a feeling that this is what ends up happening with every age - so maybe having a 7-year old won't be that terrifying after all?) He really has turned into such a little person. I've been trying to take him out and do things with just him sometimes. Last weekend we went to the children's museum together and then to Starbucks! He chose a reduced fat blueberry coffee cake from the pastry case and I had my new fave a decaf white chocolate peppermint mocha with (thanks to Holly) half the pumps and no whip (it's delish). It was so funny to sit there and talk to him. He was really interested in the Starbucks logo and wondered if it was an angel. Is it? It kind of reminds me of a mermaid, too.

He's also been really into first names. When he woke up from his nap today I heard him calling for "Patrick" over the monitor then when I went upstairs to get him he said, "where's Patrick?". I reminded him that it was "daddy" to him! Then out of curiosity I asked him what my name was and he said, "just mommy and girl".
This morning he noticed some very ripe bananas on the counter and said, "look mommy, those bananas are dirty!". So we made some banana bread after his nap this afternoon while William was still napping. I had all of the ingredients on the counter and he picked up the egg very curiously and then crushed it in his hands before I had the chance to stop him. It definitely surprised him as much as me!
He has been so sweet to William and I'm so proud of him when I see him being a good big brother. He loves to get William's attention and just lately William's really been watching him and smiling at him. Last week though he did tell me to put William down when I was holding him and Henry wanted me to be holding some tractors instead.

I've also noticed his imagination really starting to take off, too. Lately he's been really into imaginary friends-well, they're real people that he knows but we play with them at our house as if they're actually here. "Cousin Gabe" has been his #1 fave imaginary friend to have over. He loves to play with cousin Gabe by first calling him on the phone to invite him over to our house. It's a fun game, but does get confusing when he keeps asking me, "mommy, where did cousin Gabe go?". :-)
Thanks for the "big" pictures! :-) The boys are so cute in their matching shirts. I love that you and Henry were sitting and talking at Starbucks together. I am very excited for that age!
PS--Can I say I am so impressed??? Do you always just whip together homemade banana bread?!
How cute Christina...and let me tell you from experience, because Aliyah is now almost 4 (can you believe it) that it only gets better and harder at the same time. she has all the ideas by herself now and that's the end of it....like, "mom I'm going to stay up for 5 more minutes" and she marches out of her room and into the living room. I'm just like, okay whatever you need to do....too funny....he's so cute
What handsome boys you have. How cute are they in their matching jammies...were those jammies or shirts, I couldn't tell. I can't wait to see both of them on the Feb 8th!
Erica, homemade banana bread is really easy. Honestly....don't be too impressed. You'll make it yourself and realize how simple it is!! And I loved going to Starbucks with Henry. It's one of my favorite memories with him. There was just something about sitting there with him and talking over coffee. (well, my coffee!)
Bree-those were jammies that the boys were wearing. I've gotten them a few matching pairs. Cheesy? Probably, but I think they're cute!
Henry looks like such a big boy to me in this pictures! I don't know what it is, but he just looks older to me. What a cutie. Cousin Gabe wishes he was really there! :-) We'll definitely have to get them together in reality (next week, hopefully).
When Caleb was just a few weeks old (and I was really missing my alone time with Gabe) he and I went to McD's alone to share a milkshake. I'm with you - it's so crazy to set across a table from your "baby" and have a conversation!
Love you guys and hope to see you soon!
Sorry I haven't left you any comments lately. I thought I had, and when I came back to look again I was appalled to find I hadn't!
What I meant to say was that the boys are oh so handsomely adorable. I agree, Henry looks like such a big boy! Especially in the one of him with the pancakes. What cuties!
I love the pictures - I'm really starting to see a lot of Henry in William...love em both!!
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