Last weekend we hosted Christmas at our house and celebrated with my mom, Dan, Sara, Gabe and Caleb. It was lots of fun to have everyone here. I absolutely love having all of these boys around. There is just never a dull moment. I love it too, that they are all so close in age. It has gotten to be pretty funny to watch Gabe and Henry interact. Gabe is really helpful and good at keeping Henry in line. He's so sweet! He is also so sweet to William; he doesn't only pay attention to him but he talks to him in a sweet voice, too. It's adorable. Henry was so anxious and excited for everyone to get here that he had his own little countdown going throughout last week. He would ask about Gabe and Oma (my mom) and then say (every time), "I just have 3 more naps and then they will be at my house." Sure Henry, just 3 naps I'd reassure him. He could barely go down for his nap on Saturday he was so anxious for "cousin Gabe" to be here. When he woke up Gabe was here and went upstairs to get him...Henry was thrilled!
We opened presents together - the boys all got matching pjs from my mom and after dinner we celebrated my mom's birthday. We were fortunate to have absolutely beautiful weather and on Sunday morning we all went to the zoo. It's the local zoo, mind you and there's not much to it, but it's perfect for toddlers (or is it preschoolers now? I'm going to hang on to "toddler" until we hit 3). I think it was the first time William's precious skin has felt the wind. He's been snugly tucked away inside his
BundleMe in his carrier every time we've gone out with him ever. It was so much fun to be able to get out. I also got a serious dose of spring fever!

The boys passing out presents

Gabe and Henry helped Oma blow out her candles

For some reason my mom wasn't afraid of this creature. Gabe and Henry didn't want anything to do with it.

At the zoo, Gabe strolls while Henry excitedly sprints to the next animal exhibit. (Notice the excited expression on his face)
I love these pics - especially the one of henry running ahead - that is precious and hilarious. I can see James and Henry getting along well! xo
Thanks for posting these! We had the best time visiting you guys; I agree, it's so much fun to have all these boys together. I'm sorry I had a partial heart attack when Henry jumped off the chaise. :-) He is so much fun and William is just a little doll. Sorry again for the partially sleepless night. Love you guys!
Christmas in March looks like so much fun!!!
The boys are lucky to have each other...they will have years and years of good times together!
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