
Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A few things to note

  • First and foremost, there was a mouse in our house! Patrick has been working on our basement (with the eventual goal of finishing 1/2 of it for a playroom/family room area) and worked for a few hours Sunday to get it cleaned up. Last night I had to take some laundry out of the dryer and needed to wash a few of William's things, so I brought Henry downstairs with me to rave about the newly cleaned basement. As I was raving I brought a stained sleeper of William's over to the large sink next to the washer and as I leaned in to turn on the cold water, what do I see to my shock and horror but a MOUSE. What followed was just an instinctual response, I screamed several times and bolted across the floor and up the stairs. When I reached the top I came to my senses and realized that I'd darted upstairs and left poor Henry in the basement alone. I called for him to come up the stairs and reassured him that everything was just fine. Together we ran into the office where I told Patrick the terrible news. He'd heard me screaming and continued checking his emails, apparently not the least bit alarmed. Oh! Then he and Henry went back downstairs, thankfully Henry takes more after Patrick when it comes to being brave. Patrick caught the mouse in a jar and he and Henry felt bad for him for quite awhile. Finally I told them that he needed to leave the house and I asked Patrick to throw it away. It was garbage night. I'm not sure if he let him go, but I'm thinking I'd just rather not know and hope I'll never see another one! Very scary.
  • I took the boys to the mall today by myself for the first time. They both rode in the stroller - the "strollerbus" as we lovingly refer to it- and both did really well. Henry got to ride on the carousel there for the first time and since I didn't want him to go alone, I rode along and William vicariously got his first carousel ride. I was super dizzy as we spun around and I did wonder what would happen if Henry got very dizzy and got sick. He didn't though and had a great time. We also strolled past the Easter bunny a few times but never quite worked up the nerve to sit either on his lap or on the bench next to him. I think Henry was freaked out by the fact that he just waved and didn't speak. Although the whole idea may have freaked him out.
  • Today William is 5 months! Life is getting more and more fun with him. He has started laughing at things Henry does and both love getting each other's attention. I'm really excited for them to be able to play together. I feel so fortunate that they have each other. I'll confess, when we first brought William home I cried because I thought we'd ruined Henry's life. Now I can see how God has truly blessed all of our lives. Henry's and William's lives will be richer because they have each other.
  • William's cough is getting better. We've been having some ups and downs with the nebulizer. He's been grabbing hold of it and trying to put it in his mouth while I'm giving him the treatments and then gets really upset when I take it away and put it back over his mouth. Hopefully we'll only end up needing it for a week. We'll go back to the dr. on Monday, so I'll know more then.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Christina, mice have never brought out the best in you. :) But leaving poor Henry in the basement . . . yikes! What a hoot! Remember when we lived in Maine and we had a mouse and we called Dan in ROCKFORD as we stood on the kitchen counter; I mean, really, what did we think Dan was going to do 1,200 miles away?!! And remember College and all the clothes you threw away because the mouse 'might' have climbed on your clothes? Oh, dear; like I said, mice don't bring out the best in you. Hate to say it, but if you see one. . . never mind. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hi Christina,
I love your new header. It's darling. We have mice too. TC finally caught one yesterday. Actually, he may have been catching them all along, but likes to let them go so he can play with them later. I heard this squeak, squeak and thought TC had it cornered but then saw it in his mouth. TC then proceeded to drop it under the kitchen table. Needless, to say the mouse was majorly freaked out. He just sat there so I picked him up by the tail and threw him out the door. When Cory got home he couldn't believe I just threw it in the front yard. He said I should have thrown it into someone else's yard so it wouldn't come back into the house. Oh well, maybe I'll do that with the next mouse.
Love, Sandi

Erica said...

Who wouldn't scream and run??? :-) I am terrified of mice. When there was a mouse in my classroom (well there were a lot, but when it came out when I was teaching), I screamed and ran for the door and yelled to the class, "Come on! Get out of there!!" I left first though. ha ha! Henry really is so brave! What a cutie!
I can't believe William is 5 months old!! They are going to be friends for life. It is such a beautiful thing.

Unknown said...

Too funny Christina! Better than me who would try to rescue them from my cat and got bit by one once. How ungrateful!! I had to laugh at the part about bringing William home and crying because when I had Ainsley I had major anxiety as to what we had done to poor Kaylee. And you are right their lives are richer for it. It's a good thing our plan is in someone else's hands who is much wiser than we. :)