Meanwhile the boys went to my Grandma and Grandpa's house with Patrick, Dan and my dad where my grandpa had arranged for them to build birdhouses and had all of the supplies cut and ready to go. I love the pictures of the boys with Great Grandpa working on these birdhouses. They both turned out great and are so adorable. Henry is waiting for a wren to come live in his house.

We all gathered at Grandma and Grandpa's house for pizza after the ladies got back from lunch and shopping. It was delicious! Then we surprised my dad with a belated birthday celebration complete with cake and gifts. Gabe and Henry helped blow out the birthday candles and open the presents!
That night Patrick, Henry, William and I spent the night at my dad and Sandi's house. Henry loved waking up there on Sunday morning and was anxious to play with Papa Bug at 6 a.m. when he woke up! He was sad to say goodbye and when we got home on Sunday evening he said, "no, I don't want to go home. I want to go to Papa and Grandma Bug's house!" (very adamantly) He definitely has a special bond with his grandparents.

*Note: I borrowed the pictures taken Saturday from Sara. Patrick had our camera but he used the video camera to tape the birdhouse building extravaganza instead. And I'm glad he did, it's a great video and I'm thankful to have those memories. Thank you Sara for these pics!
You're welcome, and I forgot to credit Sandi for the Crumpets pics. :-)
Love you guys!
It looks like it was a really fun and special weekend. Your grandma looks so happy in the first picture. It's nice that all of the women gathered together for Mother's Day. I also love that your grandpa planned the wonderful birdhouse project for Gabe and Henry. 4 generations of men together!
PS-I have been wanting to go to Steve and Barry's for a long time now because of the Bitten line. What does your dress look like?
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