We think he makes the "excited face". We've noticed it a few times. In the picture below he was watching Henry drive his tractors around the floor.
William turned 7 months old on Monday. It's been an exciting month with a few big firsts.

- He is officially rolling over. He rolls from his tummy to his back and from his back to his tummy. Now that he can do it, he makes it look so easy. He still sleeps mostly on his back, but sometimes prefers his side. A few times I've gone in to pick him up after his nap and found him on his tummy.
- He is constantly chewing on something: his hands, a toy, my necklaces, anything (and everything) within reach and he is constantly drooling; the fronts of his poor shirts are always wet.
- He has his first teeth! His first tooth (the bottom L) came through on Monday, 5.19.08 and his second (the bottom R) came through on Thursday, 5. 22.08. He had a few harder nights a few days before the first tooth popped through, he woke up crying and was content only when I held him. After some rocking and some Tylenol he did ok and he's been fine since that first tooth came. They are still very small, but so cute when I catch glimpses of them.
- He is sitting really well. He seems to mostly fall forward when he's reaching for a toy in front of him. He prefers to sit up and loves reaching for and grabbing his toys. My favorite thing is when he's playing with something and then sees another toy he wants to get. He will put one toy in his mouth to hold on to it and then reach for another one. He's also really quick and will grab anything: tonight at dinner Patrick had William on his lap and he turned to get a toy for him and when he looked back William was holding Patrick's chicken breast and just staring at it!
- He is eating nearly all of the "Stage 2" foods. Green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, peas, garden vegetables, mixed vegetables, applesauce, bananas, pears, along with rice cereal and oatmeal. He has three full meals a day. The only food he's not crazy about is peas.
- His newest sound is an excited, high-pitched scream. It's actually sweet. He does it when he's excited and happy. He has really been using his voice.
- He still likes faces, but has really been liking animal books. We have a book about dogs, "Puppy Love" with real puppy pictures that he loves and also a farm animal book that he likes. Reading to him is tough though, he tries to grab the book while I'm reading and eat the corners. He gets upset if I hold it away from him and he can't reach it.
- His naps are getting established. His morning nap usually starts between 8:30 -9:00 and lasts for 1 1/2 - 2 hours. His afternoon nap is usually around 1:00 and can last up to 3 hours, although 2 is more normal. Most days he and Henry nap around the same time in the afternoon which is a nice break!
- He loves his pacifier and is getting attached to having one for his nap/bedtimes. I also just learned this week that he is particular about the brand. Several of them have disappeared, so I tried another brand that I have lots of and he was not happy. I may have to buy more. I wonder if I will regret this?
- He loves bathtime. This month we started putting his baby bath tub in the big bath and giving both boys baths at the same time. William loves watching Henry and enjoys all of the splashing action. Henry usually requests William to be in his bath with him now.
- He is very amused by Henry who has turned into quite the entertainer. Now that William is at the table for all of our meals, Henry takes it upon himself to entertain him if he starts to get fussy. He mostly makes funny faces and noises. He also makes up lots of nonsense words to say to William. Henry is not so obliging when it comes to toys. He definitely does not want to share any of his own toys with William and lately he's been snatching even William's baby toys away from him. He'll say very adamantly, "no, you can't have that Wee-yum." We're definitely working on this.
I love William's surprised face!! Classic! Wow, that little guy is growing up fast. I can't believe he is sitting up and rolling over already. I'm sure you are going to have so much fun with your boys this summer.
He is getting so big! Can't wait to see all of you again. By the way, the only food Cory hated as a baby was peas. Do you think it is genetic? Of course, Cory spit his all the way across the room. Luckily he doesn't do the blog thing so he won't know I'm telling stories about his baby years. I'm sure a teenager would not be happy.
Love you guys,
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