Henry got some new paints as a party favor from a little boy in his class who celebrated his birthday at school on Monday. They're Elmer's brand "Squeeze and Brush" - the paint is in the brush and you squeeze it out and then use the brush to paint with. They were in his backpack and he forgot about them and when I took them out yesterday he begged me to paint. I was just getting ready to put William down for his nap, so I told him that once William was sleeping we could paint together. I put William down and came downstairs and got Henry all ready to paint; even though the paints said "washable" I took off his pj shirt and figured we'd eliminate a mess on his clothes and I could just get him dressed afterwards. We started squeezing and painting, Henry was mostly squeezing though. Fast forward a few minutes, William started crying and was pretty upset so I told Henry that I was going to check on him and that he needed to stay at the table until I came back since his hands had some paint on them.
I returned about five minutes later and this is what I found:

He decided to paint HIMSELF! I was definitely shocked but had to laugh. After all I did leave him--alone--with paints. Lucky for us, it was washable and this is what just a little soap and water did:
Ha! How funny that he painted his tummy! Thank goodness for washables. :-)
He is just too cute. Love you guys!
I am laughing out loud at this photo!! I just love it....all artists have to find their niche and start somewhere....:)
Too funny! These pictures could be an advertisement for the washable paints. I love his smile at the end.
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