Last Saturday we decided to take the boys to the lanes for the first time.
Yes, our first official family fun night of bumper bowling. Henry loved every minute of those ten frames. He wore a little mini pair of velcro bowling shoes and bowled with a special 6-lb ball that was stored behind the counter. He was very protective of that little green lightweight ball, too. When my 10-lb ball occasionally got too weighty I tried to nonchalantly lift his green ball from the ball return and was immediately reminded by him that he was the keeper of that ball and that he was the only bowler that would be so lucky to use little greenie. He loved that he got a special, behind-the-counter ball and loved most of all that it was green. It was as if someone knew that he was coming. William, on the other hand, was just thrilled to see so many colorful balls in one place. He was like a magnet being constantly pulled to the ball rack.
Henry caught on to the concept right away and loved launching his ball with a huge thud (everytime), hearing the buzz of the foul alarm (everytime) and watching with satisfaction his ball roll (s-l-o-w-l-y) down the lane and into the pins. Even more exciting? Racing back to the ball return and waiting with excitement and anticipation for greenie to pop up and be returned to him. I remember loving all the same things as a child and it was sweet to re-live them through his eyes.
William is still a little bit young to enjoy the sport of bowling. He enjoyed mostly the sport of racing up and down the lanes, going up and down that little step between the lane and the sitting area and the pressing (slimy, dirty) buttons on games in the arcade. He bowled with me for a few turns but didn't understand why I wouldn't let him throw the ball down the lanes next to ours and when he did finally roll it down our lane with me, why I wouldn't let him go down the lane after the ball, too.
It was a fun night with my boys and brought back a lot of fond memories I have as a child of bowling. Not to mention my impressive score of 117. Yes, those bumpers helped me, too.
Oh wow, I would totally want to use that 6lb ball, too. What a fun outing with the boys!
What a fun night you guys had - can't believe Henry is big enough to do it all by himself! xo K
Okay, you've totally put me in the mood to go bowling! Looks like you had such a great time!! 117 pretty impressive :0) Love Ruth
How fun! I totally forget about bowling, but it would be a fun activity now that the boys are getting older (especially with the bumpers)!
It was good to see you guys this weekend! The first thing Gabe wanted to break into when we got home was that paint kit!
Love you guys,
It looks like you guys had a great time. I used to love to take Cory bowling and bumpers are the best with little ones (and big ones.) Congratulations on your score.
love ya,
What a great Family Fun night! I LOVE the pictures of Henry as he releases the ball. He's too cute. Can you even imagine how much fun it's going to be when William can bowl too? I love those boys!
Nice score, btw.
Love you!
Henry looks so grown up! OMG! What a fun idea to take him bowling. Remember when you, Patrick and Holly went bowling like 5 times a week when you were in college? Too funny! And how, pray tell, did you get a score of 117?? Love, Mom
How fun! Henry looks like such a pro. Watch out PBA circuit :) He looks so grown-up and tall! Good for your 117 too!
Char went for the first time yesterday, and the THUNK and sloooow rolling ball were killer. The fact that most of the time the arm would come down in front of the pins while her ball was still knocking down a pin or two in the last row was cracking me up all day.
You guys are all too sweet. I mentioned my score of 117 jokingly because I thought with bumpers, one should do much better. LOL. Thanks for making me feel good though! :-)
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