We've been trying to teach Henry to pray before meals so I'll often say a few words and pause to let him fill in the blanks. Just to give you an idea about why this was so funny to me, I'll share what a typical prayer before we eat might be: Dear Jesus, thank you for this food and for this day. We love you. In Jesus name, Amen. So pretty short and simple.
Well today at lunch I started and this is how the prayer went:
Me: Dear (pause)
Henry: Father
Me: (smiling because it surprised me and I thought it was sweet) Thank you for (pause)
Henry: chicken nuggets
Me: (trying not to bust a gut) We (pause)
Henry: Rejoice!
Me: (cracking up) Amen!
I just thought it was hilarious that he heard "re" instead of "we" and that he filled it in with "joice". I didn't even know he knew that word.
When he said "joice", he must have been thinking of his Oma! Henry's vocabulary has really grown. Give he and little William a big kiss and hug for me. Love you, Mom.
I LOVE THIS STORY!!! It's a classic!
how cute and what a good idea to get him to start to pray! Kudos to you mom!
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