
Monday, January 14, 2008

This side up

Microwave popcorn and other microwaveables usually have a "this side up" stamp on them. Does anyone know what happens if living dangerously you decide to put that side down?

Just curious...


Anonymous said...

I think you should try it and let us know! I'm wondering if it's because all the popcorn/butter mixture is on the bottom and as it heats it would fall and burn or something?
Try it! It's a New Year's DARE!

Holly said...

I have a theory- you know know the bag is folded in thirds? Well as you know, when it pops the two side sections unfold and expand to make way for the popcorn. It might be that if you put it facing down, those sides may not expand. Therefore, not all the kernels will pop, or the bag will explode when there's nowhere for the popping kernels to go! I agree, you should do it! And when you're done, drop some mentos into a diet coke bottle. Let me know how it goes! I double-dog-dare-ya!

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Rachel said...

You should do it! I triple dog dare you!