
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hollywood or Bust

Anyone else watching Season 7 of American Idol? We've been DVRing it and then watching it once the boys are in bed. The first few weeks of auditions have definitely been funny-just lots of characters walk through those doors. Here's what gets me, though-why does everyone think that they have to sing? As in, their life's purpose is to communicate through song. I mean, people get so angry/devastated/ruined when they are told "no" to Hollywood. Most of them are clearly not talented singers, and isn't that ok? It seems like this show aired 7 seasons ago and now the vast majority of the country is convinced that they either are a talented singer or the "next American Idol". I know I can't sing, I have no singing voice, nada. It's terrible and I know it. Here's the thing, I'm ok with it. I'm not offended that I'm not going to Hollywood. It just gets me every time watching the show when people who are so convinced that they have a melodic voice and are denied, leave cursing the judges and saying "I don't need this show", "I know I'll make it" or my favorite "You will see me again America"! It's like who cares if you can't sing-I feel like each of those people must have so many other talents that they're not pursuing because they're obsessed with singing for the country.


Amber Stubbs said...

Christina your title of this blog totally reminds me of when we were on a road trip in the AWITH1L and we were headed somewhere (I want to say a game or competition of some sort) and we kept saying ________ (where we were going) or you remember??? TOo funny. and in response to your post, I can sing and I still wouldn't expect to make it to Hollywood, but good thing they try because it's awefully funny to watch!

Christina said...

Amber!!! I totally remember. We were driving the AWITH1L to MVC's (or states) for track. It was the year after we graduated. I remember we kept saying MVC's or bust!!! Ha ha ha! That is too funny. I was just thinking about how much I miss our craziness! I'm so excited to see you next summer for the reunion.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOD!! You're right MVC's or bust...too funny...i know i can't wait to see you too at the reunion, how fun!


Katie said...

you both crack me up and I agree, I miss our craziness too - do you remember dyhola?? What would we be now? avvast - a vast what? :) I love you guys...anyway, I know this is an older post, but I have to say this - I understand it (the American Idol thing) because you can want it badly enough to fool yourself into thinking you can do it. Let's be honest, there are a lot of UNtalented famous people. There are many, MANY, that clearly have no on in their life that love or care for them because if they did, they wouldn't allow their loved ones to even attempt to go on the show, however, for those who are just okay, I can understand it. I still have that desire to perform although I have accepted that that is unlikely to happen for many reasons. Anyway, just wanted to say that...xo