{On Saturday morning we watched these hot-air balloons from the gas station as we got our first fill-up of the day.}
{The boys were both such troopers on the road. They listened to books on tape, colored, watched dvd's - we stocked up at the library before the trip-, ate lots of snacks, watched for landmarks and cheered for "Welcome" signs to each new state line we crossed. William napped frequently and Henry stayed wide awake the entire time.}
{This was a fun rest stop just over the border in Alabama. We stopped late in the afternoon on the first day. The boys loved being so close to a rocket. And there were beautiful, well groomed lawns for Henry and William to stretch their legs and run on. Henry got a black eye the day before we left when he fell into his dresser playing tag with William. Go figure!}
{This is "the bridge" as we call it. Crossing over this long bridge into Destin, and all of the sparkling ocean water means you've arrived.}
{The Mediterranea of Destin; this is the where we stayed. It was the perfect location. Literally kiddie corner from our very favorite restaurant - possibly on earth, but for sure in Destin - Pompano Joe's. Our condo is on the left (looking at the picture) on the 4th floor. We had a perfect view from every balcony. That gazebo looking thing in the middle is the beach access site; we had to cross the street and walk down some stairs and were in the sand. }
{We made one stop at a beach side store to stock up on shovels, buckets, beach balls and brightly colored generic Crocs before finding our condo and unloading our disheveled mess of a van. We tore through suitcases and bags to find the appropriate swim attire and made a bee line for the beach. This was Saturday evening; our first night in Destin.}
{The boys literally dumped their shovels and buckets and ran straight for the water. Such simple joy and beauty.}
{I was pretty stinkin happy to be there too. Truth be told, I always take this deep breath when I first arrive and feel like this is right where I belong. I also always say, "we live this close to the ocean? why don't we come more often?" As if a 13 hour car ride is really that close.}
{Feeding the seagulls. I'm sure our family is the one people hate to be sitting by on the beach. I'm totally that mom that lets her children feed the gulls. Lucky for us, in October, the beach is pretty empty and the gulls are plentiful. It's fun to watch them swoop in for crackers, and I'm always amazed by how fast the word gets out that there's food to be had and they multiply.}
{I do caution though, that this is a fast way to go through a box of Cheezits. William ran out and started throwing cups of sand to them. Not quite the same effect.}
{Patrick is the ultimate giant hole-in-the-sand digger. The boys still talk about how daddy digs huge holes on the beach and mommy reads :) They started this hole on that first night and kept digging, making it deeper and wider throughout the week. This hole even had a slide.}
{When we weren't at the beach, we were at the pool. This sweet little fish jumped, floated and just did his thing. He proved to be fearless and feels so at home when he's in the water.}

{Our days pretty much went like this - wake up, head to the beach, rinse off sand and go to the pool, nap and repeat. Henry loved using goggles for the first time. I even strapped some on and taught Henry how to have "tea parties" under water. One of my favorite things to do with Erica in the summers when I was a little girl!}
{Tea party ready!}
{This is the afternoon before William's 3rd birthday. His last nap as a two year old boy. I was feeling very nostalgic about making the leap from two to three (what's new?). This same afternoon, poor sweet Henry came down with a fever. It ended up lasting for about 24 hours and completely wiped him out. Poor guy.}
{William's birthday morning. He opened presents and we ate cinnamon rolls and watched his birthday video, from the day of his birth in 2007. So thankful for another year of life with our sweet boy. He is so full of life; he loves tractors, loves to cuddle, sing, read books and swim. He loves animals and superheroes.}
{The birthday boy gets to choose how we spend our day. His requests were to go to the beach and the zoo (technically, his birthday wish was to "feed the giraffes" at the zoo). Since Henry was still feeling a little sleepy from his fever, just William and I headed to the beach early that Tuesday morning. It was a beautiful day.}
{Birthday boy on the beach.}
{Later that afternoon we drove to the zoo, about an hour away from our condo and William got to feed the giraffes.}
{And the camels.}
{William blowing out his birthday candles. Henry was so sweet and celebratory with him, even though he didn't feel his best.}
{Henry on the beach. He is turning into such a big boy. Such a handsome boy!}
{Henry and William met some little friends from Minnesota, a little 5-year old boy and a 9-year old girl. They were very sweet children and the boys loved having friends to play with on the beach. They were very, shall we say "friendly" children and by the end of the week, Patrick and I were ready for some peace!}
{One night we skipped a formal dinner in exchange for a quiet walk with the boys at sunset. We loaded them up, clad in pjs, in the double stroller with some frozen waffles and fruit and just walked on the sidewalk on the road alongside the beach.}
{You can rent these cute little cars. We haven't done it yet, but it's on our future to-do list!}
{Patrick waded in the water and caught some very large crabs. Henry and William were completely in awe. People passing by on the beach told us to bring them to this certain restaurant to have them cooked for our dinner. Ha!}
{Pompano Joe's. This is the restaurant across the street from our condo. The windows are open and as you eat the sea breeze blows in. It's pure lovely. Not to mention delicious. I don't love seafood, but I love the blackened mahi-mahi from here. Delicious!}
{One night we took the boys to a family "fun park" with mini putt and go karts and arcade games and small rides. Henry loved mini putting and he did so well! William, well, he mostly just laid around on the green.}
{Riding the go karts. Drivers had to be at least 16 years old, so Patrick and I drove, and the boys were our passengers. The first time, William was terrified (see picture on left), but both boys loved it once we started. We went a few times around on different tracks. Henry and I were cracking up. It was so much fun. I wish I had a picture of Henry but he was my passenger and was sitting too close for me to get a picture.}
{My birthday was on Friday. It was the perfect day, truly. I slept in and when I woke up Patrick and the boys brought me a grande Starbucks latte and big slice of cinnamon-swirl coffee cake. Then, book in hand, I went to the beach all by myself for a few quiet hours. I read and lay in the sun, just soaking it all in and reflecting on what turning 30 means for me. Later I was joined by Patrick, Henry and William. We spent the day playing on the beach and in the pool and at naptime I stayed at the pool to soak in all of the warm sun I could. We ate dinner at Pompano Joes - surprise, surprise, right?}
{And, as is tradition on our last night, we took some family pictures on the beach.}
{Henry took these of Patrick and I. He did great weilding that great big camera!}
{William on the beach on our final night at sunset.}
It was truly a wonderful vacation. I love getting away with my family and just being away from everything. I like my laid back vacation self, too. I don't make beds on vacation or worry about wrinkled baskets full of clean laundry or even doing dishes or cooking healthy meals. Cheetos and wrinkled beds are made for vacations. I'm so thankful for this time away to just soak in the sun and listen to the waves and lay on the beach and to just be with my boys every day with no set schedule or agenda.
What a marvelous vacation!! Beautiful pictures! Your boys will have such wonderful memories!!
Love, Aunt Ruth
What a fun trip! Love the photos. I will say when we go to Florida we are also the hated, "why are they feeding the seagulls?" family. It's funny when we first decided to drive to Fl 2 years ago I was worried what the 19 hour drive would be like for us, but even going straight through the girls do amazing! Must be a kid thing? I'm glad your boys did so well too!
Oh my goodness...what a perfect sounding vacation! These pictures are beautiful and are the perfect remedy for these last (hopefully last!) cool days. And might I say these pictures of you are just so cute!
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