I was hoping to put these pictures into a
slideshow---I read something on the blogger homepage about a new
slideshow functionality...but I can't really figure it out.
Ok, so I really haven't super tried, but I just decided it would be easier to just post some pics. So here's a few more pictures of Henry playing with his cousin Gabe a few weekends ago. I should note that Henry ADORES Gabe. He followed him around non-stop and had to do everything that Gabe was doing. It's really sweet to watch them playing together and being friends!!

Nope--they won't look at the camera at the same time. It was worth a try!
World's two cutest cousins, hands down.
I just love these pictures; I'm so glad you posted them. It's been so fun to see them interacting more now that they're a little older. It was great to see you guys on Christmas Eve, and we'll see you again on Saturday. Yay!
Love you guys,
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