Here's how Henry played with William this morning, he put the little shaker right on top of him in the swing!

William was 2 months old on Wednesday. If you read my blog you are undoubtedly tired of reading how fast I think time goes by, but I have to say it again, here it goes: Time is just flying. I can't believe it's already been 2 months. He had his 2-month check up today. He weighs 12 lbs 13 oz (75%) and is 23 inches long (30%). The doctor told me how much Tylenol that I'd be allowed to give William and commented that he could have that dosage since he's "such a big boy". He had to get 5 vaccines (3 in one leg and 2 in the other) and 1 oral vaccine. It never gets easier watching your babies have their shots, does it? It breaks my heart knowing what is going to happen and watching my sweet, content baby laying there realizing that he doesn't know anything that is about to happen. We made it through the appointment (I had Henry with me, too, and he was completely sweet and even talkative with our dr which is hilarious because he was only being so friendly because it wasn't his turn!). William fell asleep in the car but woke up once we got home and was perfectly content and even happy--cooing and smiling. He's been napping now for a couple of hours, but that's really normal for him.
He is still the sweetest thing. I love that he's smiling so much now and cooing. Generally if I leave him in his swing and run into the other room, I'll come back and find him smiling at something--usually the light fixture or ceiling fan! My heart just feels absolutely full. Not in a way that it couldn't hold more, but in a way that I feel so happy and satisfied. I feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband, and two sweet sweet boys.
Nathaniel has the same green stripe pjs that Henry has in one of the pictures.
What cuties! Bring those boys over here so I can see them in person! Miss you all!
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