It's always bittersweet when Christmas is over. It feels like so much time is spent planning and preparing and wrapping and getting ready for it and then all of a sudden, everything is just done. I always feel like it's a little bit of a letdown when it's over. Not in the sense that things weren't all that I would want them to be, just in the sense that it's really just another day and there's only 24 hours. I do really love the whole Christmas season too and feel a little sad when it's over. It seems like the next few months of winter are longer than the first ones leading up to Christmas. I am really looking forward to having things back to normal again....taking down the tree, putting away decorations, less crowded stores and parking lots. It is always nice after the busyness of the holidays to have things quiet down a bit.
Anyway, I've really just digressed. We had a good Christmas. It was such a blessing to watch our boys and to see the excitement and joy in Henry's eyes and the contentment in William's. They are the greatest gift I have.
I must say, Henry has the cutest outfits and pajamas! It is fun to see all your pictures, and it's cool how close in age our little guys are; they are learning, doing and saying similar things.
It was great to see you all on Sunday. I didn't realize William was just 10 weeks, you look fantastic and are really doing great! It is hard to adjust to having 2 little ones since there's so much other stuff we're used to doing with just 1 child that we can't get done anymore- maybe that's part of our "letdown" from Christmas and it feeling so super busy.
Great pics Christina! It looks like your Christmas was fun. I love seeing how big both boys are getting. Let's get together in January. I'm still off on Fridays, so let me know if you have any free.
That pic with the googles is so cute! It is great to see your Dad in some of the pics too - please tell him I said hi when you talk to him next. And it is amazing how much Corey has grown up - his profile looks a lot like Sandi's...not in a feminine way but just that you can tell he's her son! :) It was great talking to you today and will talk to you soon. Love you.
I love that safety goggles picture! These are cute pics. How funny that Gabe loved that doll house at Mary and Chuck's. He also enjoyed playing dolls when the Wickstrom girls were here?!
Love you guys and see you this weekend!
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