So I was thinking today in the midst of some of Henry's antics, what if grown-ups acted like children? Would we yell in a whiny way"I don't want to" at our boss? Or maybe "Don't do it"when someone did something we didn't like? If someone made us mad would we grab their shirt and shake them back and forth (you guys, Henry just did this to a boy on a playdate of ours---talk about turning 4 shades of red from embarrassment and shock). What about toots and burps--would they be free flying throughout the day at home and in public? I just think of all of the funny stuff, too that Henry does throughout the day. The way he plays, the things he says, the way he jumps off the bottom stair after he says "watch this mommy"....wouldn't it be funny if grown-ups acted like that? Oh and those little footie pajamas, I would just love to see grown-ups walking around in those, too. I just get a laugh thinking about the chaos of the world if we all did act like kids.
By the way, I just love the picture above of Henry trying so hard to reach the stereo with his little sweet baby legs.
That is really a funny picture - both the one you posted and the one you painted of adults acting like kids - it would be quite free-ing though wouldn't it? And it would be pretty fun too - unless of course you're the one that Henry choose to shake by the shirt! :) Hilarious.
What's funny is that Will Ferrel in the movie Elf is basically a kid! He won't go to sleep unless he's tucked in, etc... it's funny that you posted this today as I was just watching it last night with Tim (and watched a little more today, and will finish tonight). It's such a funny movie in that way. Henry's got some strong little baby legs! You can just see the muscles!
I meant to say that what's funny is that I was thinking of kids acting as adults too from that movie...
They do have footie pj's for grown-ups, and yes I have a pair. I don't wear them often but I do love them and Kaylee gets a kick out of them. I got them for Christmas one year, I think from Penny's. But other friends and I have often commented on why when kids start to throw tantrums they stomp and whine, etc. because they don't see their parents, atleast I hope not, act like that when they are mad. Hmmmmmmm
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