
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Post # 6 - William

William is 7 weeks old today! Time definitely does fly. I feel like I am always saying that, but it's just so true. He continues to be a fabulous baby and things are going really well. I finally feel like I've adjusted to our new life as a family of 4 and a mother of 2. My days feel normal again. I'm able to check my email, (and blogs, of course) make dinner, do some laundry, just normal stuff that I thought I'd never have time for again after William was first born. I was just thinking of how I feel productive now just when I make it through a day with the boys. That's without even doing a single other task.

William's doing great. He started smiling this week (he adores the ceiling fan and light fixtures and just loves to look at them and will break into a huge grin). A baby smile just melts my heart. What's not to love about a big, gummy, toothless grin? It's so much fun that he's starting to interact that way. I just love it. He's also sleeping great and started sleeping through the night this week. I was nervous to jinx myself and it still may be a fluke, but he's slept until at least 4 am every day this week since Sunday. And three days he's slept until 5 or 5:30. And once I feed him, he goes right back down until 7 or 8. He is amazing me. It's been especially restful this week because Henry has been sleeping through the night. I know that seems like no big feat for a 2 year old, but he hasn't been sleeping well for the past few months. He'll wake up usually once in the night a couple of times a week. So, that being said, with both boys sleeping this week, I feel like a brand new woman! William absolutely loves to be swaddled. We have a swaddling wrap that was given to us as a gift that we absolutely love and couldn't live without. After I feed him for the last time around 9:00, I wrap him in that and he just conks out. He's also started to coo when he gets excited about something. This has really been a big week for him now that I'm writing about it. Go week 6!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must say Christina, your kids are adorable. You must be the best always were so good with makes me sad that we don't live closer and we can't share this fun time in our lives...but i think of you often and pray that your family thrives!! it looks like they are ! :) Amber :)