So I'm a little late with my posting. It ended up taking me a few days more to get these all in. But the challenge is complete. Thanks Holly...all in all I liked this idea. It gave me a reason to post and also made me look forward to reading other people's blogs. You know they say that it takes 21 days (I think, I might have just made that up) to form a habit. If we did 21 posts in 21 days, maybe we'd all start posting like regulars. Anyone up for that challenge? Anyone, anyone? That reminds me of
A few random things:
WHOOOOO remembers our owl?? Last year we had an owl on the stoop of our front porch. Well guess
whoooos back? Yes indeed, it's the owl again. Do you think it's the same one? It's just the weirdest thing because it has been months since that owl has come around. Henry is thrilled and runs to the window first thing in the morning to check and see if the owl is there. He loves watching it and is convinced that the owl is always looking at him. He'll say, "look mommy, see the owl? See the owl look at me?"

2. Look at this big grin! William is such a sweet boy! He is definitely sleeping through the night. He sleeps from about 9:00 until 5 or 5:30 in the morning. I am really feeling great getting some solid sleep again.

3. I have an appointment tonight to get my hair cut and highlighted. I am in desperate need of some
freshening up of my color and I really want to do something different with my hair, too. Here's my dilemma, I don't want to cut off too much because I need to be able to have a wash-n-go style and also be able to pull it up into a ponytail on days when I don't shower. But the problem is that I don't get to style it everyday (or most days) so I always end up just pulling it up anyway, so it's almost like what's the point of keeping it long? I am looking forward to getting out for a couple of hours and just sitting there in the stylists chair.
4. Patrick has a Christmas party for work this Saturday. I'm feeling nervous about leaving William for that long (it starts at 6, but it will take us about 45 minutes to get there) because I'm really not sure how much he eats at a time, in ounces. I have some milk stored up, but I'm not sure how much to leave and how much to put in each bottle. It may sound terrible, but I'd really rather just stay home. It seems like less work.
5. My second batch of caramels didn't turn out! I think I let it get too hot on the 2nd boil. It was just not firm after a day of being in the fridge (just like last year) so I knew they weren't working. I ate a few spoonfulls and then decided that wasn't going to work for my Henry helped me turn it into caramel corn. It turned out really tasty. I'm going to try another batch tomorrow.
Henry looks SO BIG in that picture- is he almost as big as Nathan? (38", 40 lbs.?) Not like you have that info offhand, but I recently started marking Nathan's wall with his height.
William is such a cutie, and what a smile!
Smart idea--turning the caramel into carmel corn. If I did that Tim would LOVE it. Maybe we'd add chocolate too. Could I get your recipe (with "mistakes" to keep it runny for carmel corn?) :)
I totally hear you about it being more work to leave bottles. Just leave a couple - one with like 3-4 oz. (if he might usually drink that much), and another with like 2 that will warm up faster in case he's starving. Don't worry, even if he doesn't get quite enough, he'll probably be held over long enough until you get home.
These are cute pics! How funny that the owl is back. I am nervous to try the carmels - that's what happened to me last year...and I had LOTS of spoonfuls. I think the year before that I somehow got foil stuck on the bottom. They are finicky, aren't they?!
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