Today was day 2 of the 5 Day Challenge. All day long I've wanted to quit. I just felt hungry, tired, lethargic and hungry. Yesterday went well. I stuck to the basics, oatmeal for breakfast, beans a whole wheat tortilla and 1/2 an apple for lunch and rice, baby carrots and another whole wheat tortilla for dinner. I felt hungry at times during the day, but I was satisfied after meals and it seemed like I stayed busy enough that I was able to get through the hunger in between. I also drank only water, and lots of water and I chewed lots of gum (that might be breaking the rules) and also had a cup of decaf last night as a treat. Holly called me and wanted to quit and I encouraged her to eat an apple and keep going. My rationale? Why get through the whole day for nothing? Better to make it through a day.
Well all of that resolve changed today. I was texting Holly throughout the day asking her if she wanted to quit, unaware of her new found resolve to persevere. All day I felt tired and hungry. I wanted to snack and did have a banana in the morning before lunch and another banana this afternoon as a snack. But despite the in between meal snacking, I was craving everything else we had in our house, even the Dots in the bathroom (as Henry's potty success treat) were beckoning me. I decided to make it through the day and indulge a bit more at dinner. So I had a pretty hearty dinner and I was really satisfied. I had another cup of decaf tonight (with a little Coffeemate) and feel good.
I think I'm going to continue on. Ultimately it's not worth being lethargic or crabby, so I'm going to eat sensibly for meals and fruit or veggies as a snack when I start feeling that way. I feel like I've commited to this and I want to try to make it through.
I really realize now more than ever how fortunate I am to live where I do and to have the things that I have which I've always taken for granted. Part of what has made this challenge tough is that we have a fridge, pantry stocked with food and it's hard to not indulge. However, it's also made me realize that I'm so fortunate to live in a home with a pantry filled with food. I've also realized that it's hard to be hungry and still be productive and engaged and I can't imagine how people everywhere are expected to function in a normal way everyday when they are hungry.
It's really great that you're doing this and you've already gotten through two days...I probably couldn't do it (at least not right now)! I've done something like this before and the first few days are the hardest, so hopefully you will stay motivated! I less you eat, the more your stomach shrinks. After a few days, your body will become used to eat smaller portions and it won't be as hard. Like you said, if you feel like you need something extra to get you through the day, don't feel guilty for grabbing a fruit or veggy to tide you over. Good luck on the rest of your challenge!
Remember too, that your body is used to a basic level of nutrition and calories, and if you get a lot less and are hungry you're going to find you can't do your normal daily activities without being super-crabby, lethargic, etc. People who eat so little are used to it. Not that that makes it any better that it's happening in the world. Also, it's good for us to experience hunger, since I definitely make sure that I don't get hungry that often! Eating less and fasting periodically is good for our bodies, to give them a rest. Too bad I don't have enough willpower to do either. Also, if you're still nursing, watch out that it's not affecting your milk supply- when Nathan was a few months old, I did this apple fast to try and detox my skin, and by the end of one day I could tell Nathan wasn't getting enough milk. So I went back to normal... just watch for that! And no more guilt! You are being a great mom, and doing so much more loving and caring than many-- you are trusting God and doing the best you can, which is everything you can do.
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