Last weekend my mom, just back from a vacation in Myrtle Beach, came to visit. Both boys loved spending time with their Oma. William was super cuddly on Saturday morning and lay with my mom for a long time and just looked at her. He also let her give him his nebulizer treatments that day. We went to breakfast at Panera where Henry enjoyed eating some bagels with his cream cheese. He loves cream cheese! He would eat it plain if I didn't insist on him soaking it up with some sort of bread. We also went to a yard sale just down the street from my house where we found the most adorable shelf that looks like a house. My mom bought it for Henry's room; it's going to be a toy shelf. It was pink/green/yellow/blue when we bought it, and we painted it all black with a red roof. I need to finish touching up the inside shelves and then we'll bring it in. Before/after pictures to come. I'm so excited because I really need more storage space for all of his toys. I want him to be able to play with them and appreciate them all, but it's hard when space is limited. I've ended up shoving them in closets and baskets everywhere. I'll be happy to have an organized space where he can find everything and also help put everything away.
Patrick ended up having to work for most of the day on Saturday and then helped our neighbors pack their moving truck that night, so it was nice that my mom was here to help with the boys and keep us company. By Saturday I'm always ready for a little break and some adult conversation! Thanks for coming Oma - we had lots of fun!
I already left a comment here, but it's not showing up... so disregard this if you get it twice...
I miss Oma! I think William is drooling over how good Oma looks!
Joyce, if you're reading this- YOU LOOK GREAT!
Cute cute pic! :)
Thanks, Holly! It's amazing what two weeks on a beach will do for your spirit! I hated coming back, but what a treat to get to see all of my children and grandsons! I miss you and Del, too. Oh, this is Christina's blog; I'm forgetting! LOL Thank you for the great post, Christina. I love this picture; I have a copy on my desk and have received so many compliments on the boys (and me). Just as I thought, Judy said William should be a Gerber baby; she said to tell you not to wait! Love you, sis. Mom
P.S. The morning time memory of laying with William (lying, lay - - where's Sally when you need her?!) will be one of my all-time treasures. I couldn't believe how he just lay there and looked at me. Even though I had morning hair and all, I'd love to get copies of the photos you captured. Such a sweet memory! Oma
JOYCE!! Looking HOT! so tan...i miss you and think of you often (i know that this is Christina's blog, but i have no other way to talk to you)...i just saw eileen yesterday and she updated me on how you are doing...how can i get a hold of you....miss you!! Love you, Amber :)
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