
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

William rolled over?

Yes, that's a question mark and not an exclamation point.

Last night around midnight I heard William crying, he was pretty upset. So I quickly went into his room to find him laying on his tummy! He had apparently rolled over from his back to his tummy and got very agitated when he couldn't figure out how to roll back again. I was so happy that he rolled that I didn't mind being up with him at midnight! Although, it's a little sad to me that I missed a milestone, his first roll - in his sleep. He has yet to duplicate his new skill during waking hours.


Unknown said...

Yey William! I would take the ? mark away and give him full credit! It's an ! in my book :)

Ok Highs and Lows (I may steal this for my blog b/c I'm enjoying it)

-Shutting the van door on my finger, it was just the tip so nothing broke but it still hurt and now I have a mostly black nail, and it was my middle finger so when people have asked to see it I feel I'm giving them an obscene gesture!
-Ainsley has got a bad cold this week, Kaylee had it last week so it was bound to happen, but it just sounds worse in A because she's so little.

-Had a good book party and lots of fun watching all the kids play and look at the books (although a low for Kaylee would have been that all the books didn't stay at our house)
-Being able to have some nice weather and get out with the girls and enjoy it!
-Crossing off some stuff on my "to-do" list for A's party.

Anonymous said...

How ironic- I just read this post this morning, and then experienced the same thing this afternoon! I just posted about it here. Isn't that so crazy?

Erica said...

Yay for William!! That's impressive to roll from back to
tummy. He's so strong!