Who knew they could improve so much upon something that is already so great? First came the addition of peanuts, then peanut butter, then almonds, then they made them crispy and mini, then they made the chocolate dark and even made dark chocolate peanut ones, well now there's another level of m&m greatness - the wildly cherry m&m. Mmm, they are so good. Thanks to Holly for recommending them. She told me they taste like a Bing cherry, and they really do. They're super yummy and I also find that the fruitiness makes them feel somewhat nutritious. So here's a plug to go buy your own bag and taste my new favorite m.
Now that I've posted this, I'm a little bit embarrassed that I took the time to arrange, take and download pictures of m&m's for this post. Can you tell both of my boys are taking good naps right now?
Maybe I'll just go get a bing cherry instead so I don't eat the whole bag of those. They do sound good though
Your dad bought a bag of those for Christmas to put into one of my may Christmas candy jars. I thought they were great too.
Do they have any chocolate in them? What is a Bing Cherry?? They look good - I've never met an m that I didn't like!
Also, your boys are so sweet together and I love the pics you took of them together on the couch. It must be nice to have Henry entertaining William all the time! :) Can't wait to meet William soon...
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