My younger brother Cory generously gave up his Friday and Saturday to come help Patrick work on our basement last weekend. Patrick is finishing our basement in an attempt to get rid of the scariness and create a playroom/family room area. They were able to get a lot done in the time Cory was here. They hung some dry wall and framed a lot of the room. Cory was so helpful; he was in and out of the house cutting wood and dry wall and lending his muscle to help hold the dry wall up while Patrick drilled it in to the wall. Henry wanted to be by Uncle Cory's side the entire time he was here and I had to constantly gather him up from the basement. Every time he'd go down there I'd find him holding something dangerous and asking Patrick, "what's this?" For example, an exacto knife: "what's this?" It's a great jump start on something we've been talking about for a long time. It's exciting to see it taking shape. A huge thanks to Cory for his help. Thank you Uncle Cory! Cory hard at work. A view of our scary basement. The only reason I'm publishing this is because it will only make the "after" pictures look that much better!
I am so glad that Patrick invited Cory to help him with the basement. I know Cory had a great time and it was an excellent learning experience for him. I also know he enjoys spending time with all of you. Love, Sandi
I am so glad that Patrick invited Cory to help him with the basement. I know Cory had a great time and it was an excellent learning experience for him. I also know he enjoys spending time with all of you.
I'm so excited about the renovations! I can't wait to see the end result! WOO!
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