William turned 6 months old on Saturday. It's amazing to me that it's been 6 months. Although having perspective this time with Henry - who is nearly 3- I realize that he's still such a little baby. Here's a glimpse of William at 6 months:
- He's generally very content and happy. He's an easy-going baby who really likes to be around people and as long as he is, he's very happy.
- He's a chewer. This boy puts everything in his mouth. I think he's been teething since he was 3 months, although no teeth have yet popped through. He has a perpetual glistening of drool on his chin, and has been chewing on his fingers nonstop lately. When he starts crawling I'm going to have to watch him at all times - I'm nervous that he will put all of Henry's toys in his mouth, many of which have small parts. Henry's never been a boy to put anything in his mouth, so worrying about this is all new.
- He's rolled over twice. Once from his back to his tummy , an accident in the middle of the night in his crib. The second time from his tummy to his back, another accident during some tummy time which I completely missed because I had just put him down and turned to get some toys. I turned back around and whoops, there he was on his back. He hasn't done it again since! But we're working on tummy time. I try to do at least 3 -10 minute sessions every day. He doesn't necessarily live to be on his tummy, but he tolerates it now and sometimes seems to enjoy it.
- He absolutely loves faces. He loves people's faces in real life and also faces in pictures. In fact his very favorite book is called "Peek-a-boo". It's a pretty short, board book with different full size pictures of babies faces. He smiles, coos and laughs every time we read that book.
- He loves being in his Jumperoo. At first before he got the hang of jumping, he loved just being able to stand and have a different perspective of things. Now he loves jumping and is so happy when he's in there.
- He makes a few different sounds. It started as cooing and then progressed to a "gooo, ahh-gooo" sound, now his newest is a catlike hiss-like sound when he's really intrigued or excited about something. Ok that sounds weird; it's hard to describe, that's the closest thing I've got.
- He loves taking baths and loves having lotion put on his little legs and feet. He always makes his purr noise for that! He's also very ticklish and now anticipates tickles and will laugh if I just pretend that I'm going to tickle him. It's very sweet.
- He's started solids and loves to eat. No surprise with the 18 lbs 4 oz weight! He's had rice cereal, squash, sweet potatoes, and carrots (which I'm holding off on after some adverse reactions). It's fun being able to include him at mealtimes. I love having our whole family at the table!
- He gives raspberries! Especially when I hold him on my shoulder.
William in his jumperoo
William is sooooo cute!!! I love the picture of him grabbing his feet. He has changed so much since I last saw him. I can't wait to see him and hug him!
William is so cute. When I see the pictures, I can see his personality starting to show more in his face. This is the age I think is really fun because you begin to see more of the person inside them. We can't wait to see you all again. I know we don't call as often as we should, but we check your blog all the time and think of you all constantly.
Love Sandi
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