
Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Fall Fun!

The weather has been beautiful here for the past few days so we've been able to get outside and enjoy some nice Fall fun. On Sunday Patrick and Henry did some raking. It's funny because even though we don't have any trees in our yard, we get lots of leaves from the wind blowing them all our way. Henry loved driving his truck in the leaves the most.

Monday night we brought our pumpkins inside and Henry helped carve his first jack-o-lantern! At first he wasn't sure what to think when we cut it open and starting scooping it out. But he quickly became interested and helped with the scooping out of seeds and pumpkin goo (does anyone know what this stringy stuff is called?). He would scoop some out and then scoop it right back in! He lost interest after a while, but he was fascinated once he saw the finished jack-o-lanterns all lit up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What precious pictures! Just curious; what was my grandson doing so close to the road?! HA!

I love fall photos; I think they are the most beautiful. Can't wait to see you all again; hopefully next weekend. Love to you all. Mom