
Friday, March 27, 2009


Last Saturday we decided to take the boys to the lanes for the first time.

Yes, our first official family fun night of bumper bowling. Henry loved every minute of those ten frames. He wore a little mini pair of velcro bowling shoes and bowled with a special 6-lb ball that was stored behind the counter. He was very protective of that little green lightweight ball, too. When my 10-lb ball occasionally got too weighty I tried to nonchalantly lift his green ball from the ball return and was immediately reminded by him that he was the keeper of that ball and that he was the only bowler that would be so lucky to use little greenie. He loved that he got a special, behind-the-counter ball and loved most of all that it was green. It was as if someone knew that he was coming. William, on the other hand, was just thrilled to see so many colorful balls in one place. He was like a magnet being constantly pulled to the ball rack.

Henry caught on to the concept right away and loved launching his ball with a huge thud (everytime), hearing the buzz of the foul alarm (everytime) and watching with satisfaction his ball roll (s-l-o-w-l-y) down the lane and into the pins. Even more exciting? Racing back to the ball return and waiting with excitement and anticipation for greenie to pop up and be returned to him. I remember loving all the same things as a child and it was sweet to re-live them through his eyes.

William is still a little bit young to enjoy the sport of bowling. He enjoyed mostly the sport of racing up and down the lanes, going up and down that little step between the lane and the sitting area and the pressing (slimy, dirty) buttons on games in the arcade. He bowled with me for a few turns but didn't understand why I wouldn't let him throw the ball down the lanes next to ours and when he did finally roll it down our lane with me, why I wouldn't let him go down the lane after the ball, too.

It was a fun night with my boys and brought back a lot of fond memories I have as a child of bowling. Not to mention my impressive score of 117. Yes, those bumpers helped me, too.

To do or not to do?

Private Blog:

Yay or Nay?

I've been thinking about this lately and wondering what to do. I love blogger. It's been a way to share pictures with family and friends; some that we see regularly and some that we wish we got to see more often. I also love the outlet to write and share thoughts, as random and useless as most of them are. Comments? Love the comments and hearing from the aforementioned friends and family.

Here's the but.

Lately I've been wondering if I want all of those family pictures and random thoughts to be shared with any old blogger that just happens to click "next blog" or stop by. Part of me thinks that going "private" would be totally hypocritical. After all, I am totally that random blogger that clicks 'next blog' and then clicks on links of stranger's blogs and reads other strangers' blog once removed.

So do I or do I not want everybody to have the chance to glance into our lives through this open window? I think I do not.

But I'm not decided. Oh and the other big problem? I don't even know how to go private. So if I do go that route I'll need some help from some of you dear bloggy friends.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I'm hoping the old adage 'better late than never' applies to blog posts, too...

In January we celebrated my mom's birthday. My Mom came here for her birthday weekend and Dan, Sara, Gabe and Caleb came to spend the day with us on her birthday. There's never a shortage of fun and excitement when our four boys (three and under) are together. It was a fun day together; the boys played, we dined out and celebrated with a princess themed birthday party (selected by none other than princess obsessed Henry). Henry chose princess plates for the cake and picked out a tiara for Oma to wear during the festivities. She was his princess for the day.
Gabe and Oma
Notice Oma is wearing her birthday crown at dinner.

Dan and GabeOf course we mentioned that it was my mom's birthday:
This scene is more subdued than our waitress intended-she wanted Oma to stand on the dining chair. My mom decided to just plain stand up while the waitress announced her birthday to the entire restaurant.
Love Caleb's face in this one!
Gabe enjoying the birthday festivities.

Oma getting ready to blow out her candles and make a wish.
Sara made this beautiful cake. I wish everyone could have a taste---so moist and chocolaty and delicious!The birthday girl.Gabe and Henry helping Oma open her presents.Henry and William busting through the streamers (carwash).A little after-party fun.
Gabe and Henry busted out their electric guitars and delighted us with not only rockin' music but some rockin' dance moves, too.Gabe and Henry and darling Caleb in the background.
(I think William was tuckered out and in bed for the night.)Gabe and Henry and a mystery man!The guitar playing continued on....and on...
until sadly it was time to say goodbye.
Gabe and Henry hug. Love these two besties!
Happy Birthday Oma!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Meet Nonna

nonna [nonn-naa]

  1. a must have for sleep
  2. a must have for wake
  3. a must have for play
Note: not to be confused with nanna for 'banana'

Origin: Gerber Nuk

Related forms:
nonna-NONNA, verb (i.e. give me my nonna, NOW)

William with "nonna"
I've never used any cute catchy words for William's pacifier. Mostly it's always been his pacifier or sometimes paci- for short if I'm looking to abbreviate. I was however a shameless paci-pusher since his birth. Henry never took a pacifier, with the exception of the very early days when his "taking it" required my holding it in his mouth so he wouldn't pop it right out. I thought of all of the ways that a pacifier could be handy in lots of situations and many times wished Henry would take one, but alas he wasn't the kind of baby who was in to those kinds of things. And then came William. I pushed the paci and he adored it from the start. I began giving it to him to soothe him before naptimes and bedtime; the whole time fully aware of the trouble this might cause me a few months down the road. In the past few weeks his pacifier has become 'nonna'. Sounds like his word for "nigh-night". He calls for it and gets angry if it falls out of his crib. And now he wants it with him at all times. Even Henry knows when William is upset and calling for 'nonna' and he helps him find one. I've indulged him since he's teething and it seems to soothe him and also since he's named it and it sounds so sweet to hear him calling for his little pacifier. I know I'm that mom with the big kid and the pacifier. I'm willing to accept the second glances and some glares because I know my baby loves his little pacifier enough to name it and because I know that 24 months will soon be here and Nonna will be forever gone.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Me: the interviewer

I'm no Barbara Walters, but I think this interview went well. It was with someone very intimidating. Someone whose responses I could not predict. Someone who demanded a special chair to sit on during the interview and a special drink to sip. Someone who thinks I am 6 years old.

My interviewee was Henry! I got the idea to do this from Sally who did an interview with her 3 1/2 year old son. I read through her interview with her little boy and loved the candidness of his responses. I love the way that children think. I wanted to know what Henry would say; how would he respond?

Here's the interview with my sweet 3 1/2 year old boy:

March 3, 2009
1. What is something your mom always says to you?
I love you.
2. What makes mom happy?
We can hug William.
3. What makes mom sad?
When I go poke (he makes poking motions) to William.
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
One time there was a bird named Pokey and he brought lava to a volcano and it burned his hands. And because the weather was cold he put it in a volcano.
5. What was your mom like as a child?
sidewalk paints
6. How old is your mom?
Six. Are you six?
7. How tall is your mom?
This tall. (puts my watch on my head)
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
Hug me!
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
Do your exercise.
10. If your mom is on TV for something, what will it be for?
Exercise. NO, I think commercials. Baby commercials.
11. What is your mom really good at?
You can go really close to the fire and not get burned.
12. What is your mom not very good at?
Going to the birthday.
13. What does your mom do for her job?
Wash the dishes.
14. What is your mom's favorite food?
15. What makes your proud of your mom?
I can go outside and do sidewalk paints.
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
17. What do you and your mom do together?
We sit on the couch and watch TV, um, we eat bacon and we eat chocolate pancakes.
18. How are you and your mom the same?
We can both turn off the TV.
19. How are you and your mom different?
Because we don't look the same.
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
You hug me!
21. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
The store. Walmart and buy me a new toy.