
Saturday, April 14, 2007


We had a great Easter weekend. The weather was a bit blustery and cold, but it was still a relaxing, and fun weekend with family. We stayed home for Easter and my mom came here and we went to Patrick's parents house for Easter dinner. Holidays are just so much fun with Henry. He reminds me of all of the simple joys that I've always loved about the holidays.

It was fun hiding his Easter basket and then waking up at home on Easter morning and watching him find it. We gave him a little tractor and a few little trucks that I put them on top of his Easter basket. When he found it he was so excited about those that he just took them out of the basket and left the rest there. Even after I took the basket out into the living room for him he kept going over to behind the door where it was hidden and saying "tractor?", "tractor?". He also loved doing the Easter egg hunt at Patrick's parents house. His mom hid close to 100 eggs outside for all of the little cousins to find. He got excited when he found an egg, but he mostly loved opening it up and letting whatever was in it fall out and then he would leave the candy and opened egg laying in the yard. Oh another of his favorite things from the Easter season was the Easter bunny at the mall. He loved that bunny and the few times we went to the mall and strolled past it he wanted to stop and wave at him for awhile. He didn't get a chance to sit on his lap because the prices are outrageous! But he loved him from afar. I'm sad that I didn't get a picture of him in his outfit on Easter. He looked darling. I'll just have to put him in it another time and take one then.

Diaper snob

We almost always buy diapers at Sam's and just get the big bulk pack. That way we save more and we get more and they last longer. Well one night a few weeks ago we were on our very last diaper and I ran to Jewel to buy more since I didn't feel like making a late night trip to Sam's. I ended up deciding to try the extra jumbo pack of the Jewel brand diapers since they were such a savings. Well, never again! I learned my lesson. Henry has had so many leaky diapers. And almost every morning he wakes up and his pjs are soaked and his bedding is wet. We really didn't have those problems with Huggies. I learned that you definitely get what you pay for in the diaper world. We will keep buying Huggies which really aren't even that much more. I'm officially a diaper snob and I can't wait for these others to just run out so we can move on!

Henry doing animal sounds

(*Note all of the video updates...I finally figured out how to post videos to my blog just by embedding the html since the shortcut way of posting them hasn't been working for me for months. Lots of updates!!)

Henry has been loving animals lately. All kinds. His favorites probably being cats, dogs and kangaroos. I'll have to get an updated video of all of his animal sounds and motions. He does a great pig sound's a snort and his whole face scrunches up. Anyway, here's a few of his first ones...


This video is also from early February. Patrick was chewing gum one night and blew a bubble. Henry instantly learned the word bubble and became fascinated with watching Patrick blow bubbles and also loved popping them for him. (kind of gross...sorry!)

Henry showing his eyes

This is a video from early in February (note the shorter Henry hair...he'd just gotten a haircut on Valentine's Day). He started showing us his eyes although in this video he's really more into "bubbles".

Friday, April 06, 2007

5 Random Things

1. Henry has been having a language explosion lately! Everyday for the past week or so he's been saying several new words a day. Mostly words that we didn't even realize he could say or coach him on. Let me try to think of a few of the new words he says: push (when he wants someone to push him on his tricycle), maybe, please (really clearly now), juice (has been a favorite for a few weeks), brother (when we ask him if he's going to have a baby brother or sister), baby, bye-bye, hi, up, down, on, off, tractor. There are lots now, I know I'm forgetting a bunch, but I'm going to try to keep an updated list so I'll post more later. Oh and, NO is a huge fave and it's making me crazy!! It's been so much fun everyday hearing him say and repeat more and more. His vocab has seriously quadrupled in a week!

2. We bought Henry a potty seat yesterday. It's just the kind that you set on top of the toilet. For anyone who's ever been to our house you know how very tiny the one bathroom is and I'm not exaggerating when I say there is just no room for a potty chair! He was so excited about it when we picked it up at Target and so excited to take it out at home, he also loves showing anyone how to put it on the potty; however, the moment he is set on to the potty seat it's a different story. He cries NO NO NO and wants down ASAP! I'm not all about potty training yet, it's just that he's been very curious about the whole thing so I thought we might as well let him start sitting there if he wants to just to get used to it. It looks like he might just need some time to get friendly with the seat itself.

3. I've been having some major food aversions and cravings lately. All I wanted to eat for dinner Wednesday was cole-slaw. Then the other day I had to make a special trip because the only thing that sounded good was chips and queso cheese dip from Q'doba. Other foods...lots of sweets and even ice-cream (I can't believe I'm saying that) have been sounding not good and even repulsive. Oh and I couldn't live without a slushie from DQ a few nights ago and made a special trip there after Henry was in bed. It's weird because usually I'm such a sweets person I wouldn't dream of wasting a trip to DQ on a fruity slush (sugary nonetheless), but I've been wanting more salty and fruity foods. Oh and I typically have been eating two lunches everyday. I get hungry and eat around 11 and then I eat something again during Henry's nap around 2. My doctors appointment Tuesday should be interesting...can't wait to see what the scale says about all of this...

The Pursuit of Happyness
We just watched this movie last night. It was really heartwrenching, but also inspiring. It just breaks your heart to realize what this man and his son and so many other people go through everyday just to have a piece of the normalcy in their lives that we take for granted in our one lives. I recommend it's a good, touching movie. (Disclaimer...I fell asleep during the last 30 minutes and have to finish watching it tonight!)

5. I'm excited for Easter. I think Henry is going to love it this year and get really excited about his Easter basket and finding eggs, etc. I've been trying to explain the real meaning of Easter to him, but I think it still escapes him...