definition: an abnormal contraction of the smooth muscle of the bronchi, resulting in an acute narrowing and obstruction of the respiratory airway. A cough with generalized wheezing usually indicates this condition. Bronchospasm is a chief characteristic of asthma and bronchitis.
Why all this talk on bronchospasm? I brought William to the doctor yesterday late in the afternoon after he started to wheeze considerably and seemed to have labored breathing. Saturday afternoon I noticed that he had just a slight cough and then Sunday the cough seemed to be gone, but he had a runny nose. Then Sunday night he had a hard night and woke up several times, and the cough came back, so all of this coupled with the wheezing and I felt like I should have him checked on. He has an ear infection in his left ear, and the doctor diagnosed him with bronchospasm. Since the appointment I've done some googling and everything I've read about bronchospasm basically says it's the root of asthma. I did ask his doctor why it's called bronchospasm this time rather than broncholitis (which he had last month, poor baby) when the symptoms all seem the same to me. I'm not satisfied with his answer, he basically didn't give me an answer, he just likened it to asthma, and when I asked if this then meant it would be recurring, he said it was too early to tell. Which then begs the question, why this diagnosis then? Isn't it too early to say he has something that is recurring if it's too early to tell if it will be recurring? Do you sense my frustration?
William is on an antibiotic for his ear infection and back on the nebulizer for his cough and wheezing. It's very sad and it breaks my heart. There's a huge part of me that feels guilty for "letting" him get sick, again. I feel some guilt too that even while still breastfeeding, he continues to get sick. There it is, the bfg that I mentioned before (breastfeeding guilt). I know that all parents want to protect their children and I feel as if I've failed in some way to hear and see him so sick. But I also know that this is a good opportunity to trust God with William (and Henry). I am imperfect and fall short and cannot will my children to be healthy. I'm working on that though, it's hard to let go and trust God to take care of them even though I know that ultimately they are His.
a quick note: William was 6 months old on Saturday. At his appointment yesterday (his well-baby was scheduled for the 24th, but we've rescheduled it for May 1 when he's feeling well) he weighed 18 lbs 4 oz. Just wanted to jot that down so I don't forget. His unofficial 6 month weight!
Christina~I understand that it's easy to blame ourselves for our children being sick. But that's just not productive. Have faith, you are a great Mom and that is why it's so hard to beat yourself up.
William and Gabi can do their nebulizers together! I wonder about her ears as well - she keeps tugging at them. Maybe she just likes the way it feels!! Pretty soon summer will be here and the nice weather will say and we will all have healthier children.
It is really hard to tell sometimes when they have ear infections or whether it if just a cold or something worse. I remember taking Cory to the doctor because he had what I thought was a minor cold and the doctor said his ears were so infected that if I had waited any longer his eardrum would have burst. He wasn't even pulling on his ears or anything. There are so many germs around that kids just pick it up, especially when they are constantly putting their hands and things in their mouths. You do a great job taking care of the boys, but you can't block every germ and with the miserable winter we've had there seem to be a lot out there. And it is frustrating when you can't seem to get a straight answer from the doctor. Papa used to say that doctors were "practicing physicians" with the emphasis on "practicing". They don't always know everything either. I'm sure William will be feeling better soon. Especially if we can finally get some nice warm weather.
Love you,
I took Nathaniel to his well visit today, to then get told that he has a double ear infection and Eric and I had no clue. Sometimes we try and do our best, but nobody can be perfect and we have to look at all the things we do do that help our children out!!!
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