Everyday Henry says things that make me smile. Usually it's his interpretation of the world that really cracks me up. Today he said a couple of things I want to post so that I don't forget.
1. He woke up at 6:00, on the button. Lately it's like he has a secret alarm set because the clock will strike 6 and he will be at his door calling to us. If he's calling "daddy" and gets no response, he'll quickly change to "mommy". I never let him call for long because I know it will wake William. Before daylight savings time started this spring (or ended, I'm not sure how that works) I told him he had to stay in his bed until the sunshine came up. Well, it comes up early now, so that rule doesn't really apply, at least not in my favor anymore. So this morning I went into his room and told him it was still very early and that he needed to stay in bed and read books. I first read one to him, it's called "The Lost Sheep" and has a few different Bible stories in it. One parable was about the fruit that in our hearts and talked about how we can have good fruit or we can have yucky, bad fruit. At the end it asked, "what kind of fruit is in your heart?" Without skipping a beat Henry replied, "apples". I was so tired but started cracking up.
2. To Henry's delight there is some construction being done on the street adjacent to ours, just up one block. Everyday there are trucks there and sometimes there is a backhoe, too. Today the backhoe was there but was just sitting there, parked. It was around 11:00 and he asked me why it wasn't moving. I told him that it was lunchtime and it was probably parked for a lunch break. He said, "what does it eat? Probably dirt."
I love his innocent interpretation of the world around him. It's also so funny to me and I love that he keeps me laughing throughout the day.
Apples! LOL
What a cutie!
I love Henry's sense of humor; I think it's only going to get better and better! He's such a doll baby. Oma
So cute...that cracks me up!
Love you guys,
I love that Henry said "apples." Too cute and funny!
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