
Monday, April 07, 2008

Time for highs and lows

It's that time again! As I've reflected over the past week, it's been hard for me to come up with a low. Although there have been frustrations throughout the week, all in all I have more highs from last week. That's a good thing. Just for the sake of this little posting game it made it a little bit more of a reflective challenge. So here we go:

The highpoint ('s) from the week:

  • Spring weather! We were able to spend a lot of time outside toward the end of the week and during the weekend. On Thursday we packed a picnic lunch and had a picnic/play date at the park with some of Henry's little friends.
  • Some sleep breakthroughs - kudos to "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". I think I'll post more on this, but have been loving this book.
  • Taking Henry to an "open gym" at a local gymnastics academy and watching him bounce from trampoline to trampoline and jump into a huge pit of foam blocks. I loved that he was really in his element there being able to jump, run and bounce. He loved it. (a possible adjoining low, adults weren't permitted to jump on the trampolines and it killed me to have to stand by and watch without jumping in and doing a few toe-touches! ha ha)

The low point:

  • Feeling a lot of anxiety, uncertainty and stress about vaccinations and vaccination schedules. I have been questioning the current vaccination schedule for our babies and thanks to the help of some friends who have referred me to websites, I've been doing some research on this. I just feel like William's 6 month check up is looming like a dark cloud over my head. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do (which vaccines, if any) and I feel nervous about talking to the doctor/nurses about my decision. I'm not one to stand up to authority, but I recognize that this is absurd especially when dealing with the health of my children. I'm just nervous and really still confused about what to do.

Ok, now it's your turn - I'm excited to hear yours!


Anonymous said...

Oh Christina, I totally understand how you're feeling about the vaccines- I got to a point where I was crying, so unsure of what to do, not feeling comfortable with giving them all, when I finally had to give thinking about it a rest and seriously, say "I'm giving it to you Jesus! I can't deal with it myself!" And just took a break. Then I talked with Tim, and a friend I knew went to a different kind of doctor.
Call me tomorrow and we can talk, and maybe I can call my Dr. and see if they have recommendations. It's too important for you to just go along with it- you have to do what makes you feel at peace. NOT what the Drs. just say "is the way it's done." Plus, it's not a huge deal to postpone his 6 month visit if necessary- I was late in taking Nathan to nearly all his appointments, and I wasn't concerned b/c I figured the longer I waited to get each of the shots, the safer it would be. Anyway, I'll try calling you tomorrow- what time is good?

Sara said...

I was feeling the same way about the shots, so I called our doctor's office yesterday on this because I need to get Caleb in. She said they can be flexible and that I should talk to the doctor at the appointment. Then I asked which ones they get at 9 months and our office doesn't do any at 9 months, so that was a relief (they just do a quick blood test for nutrition). So, that gives me a little more time to research it.

Love you guys!


Sara said...

Forgot my highs and lows....

Highs: 1.) The weather and going to the park on Saturday. 2.)Seeing Grandma and Grandpa Hogan this weekend and going to a 40th wedding anniversary party for the Backens.

Lows: I've had a couple of migraines this week :-(.

Unknown said...

Christina~I give you credit for being "actively" involved. I don't know what your Dr. schedule is compared to ours, but they don't get any at 9mos. I guess I'm a schmuck and always went with my dr. But I have so much trust in her and there have been things, with both girls, that she has gone above and beyond just to be on the "safe" side. Some may get annoyed and think she's too cautious, but it just makes me feel like she has their best interest at heart. When we see her out she always comes up and talks and knows their name, I don't know how she can remember. So I have let my trust in her guide me. Kaylee has always done well so I'm letting Ainsley follow in suit. Let me know what you learn! You are always right to follow your gut when it comes to your kids!

Anonymous said...

Christina -
Gabi went for her 6 month appointment yesterday and all went well. She had her three shots and one oral, and tonight she had a low grade fever. But, all in all, I know she is fine and she'll be healthier in the long run. She is in the 95% for height and weight! We love our buttercup!

Highs -
1. Watching Gabi FINALLY roll over from back to front. Now if she could only figure out how to get back onto her back.
2. Listening to Gabi's constant gabbing.
3. Appreciating all Jason does for Gabi and me.

Lows -
1. Listening to the babysitter tell me how big my baby is compared to everyone else (this is an every day occurance). I just tell her, "She's proportionate!"

Erica said...

The spring weather was great this past weekend. A picnic sounds like the perfect spring activity! The whole vaccination thing is very scary and confusing. I read a few more articles this past week and have no idea what we're going to do. Ben has his 4 month check up this Saturday, and I have a dentist appointment at the same time that I can't miss so Bret is stuck with the tough job of working it out with the doctor. I think we're just going to have Ben get his second DTAP vaccination and then see where to go from there. On a happier note, I can't wait to see your basement when it is all done. I love that Henry kept wanting to work with the guys!
Love you,