
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

this and that {2nd edition}

William swinging
is how we spent our morning.
{fuzzy picture courtesy of my phone}
It's 52 degrees here {now it's sunny}, but this morning was gray. Either way it was the perfect morning to be outside. Well we didn't spend it completely outside-there was a quick trip to Sam's to buy everything in its most gigantic version. But after that we came home, grabbed the stroller and two balls (the basketball and a tennis ball, both William's choices) and we walked to the park.

Now I can't find the link, but I was just reading on a blog about how children really need plenty of time to play freely, with no schedule and no expectation. Just freedom to play. How that free play helps them to develop cognitively. And then this morning at the gym I read another article about how our children {they called them "generation-text"} are growing up with exertainment, instead of plain old exercise. They gave several examples, but what really struck me were the ways our schools are investing in electronic programs for students to use in PE classes. Like one that simulates dribbling a basketball. What ever happened to just using a ball? Also just the fact that children are being encouraged to "exercise".

Of course I know that fact is important for kids, but that was a word that I never even knew of in my childhood. Being a kid was practically synonymous with exercise. We played tag, we rode bikes, we swam, played kick-the-can, had water balloon fights. We just played. I want to be conscious of that with Henry and William and make sure that they have plenty of time to just play, free of schedules and expectations and time constraints.

March - 2010 180
is how my baby's chubby foot looks with 5 stitches.
{love the little white sock fuzzies.}

They come out Thursday. He is doing fine. Children are so resilient. I know if it was me I'd still be laying on the couch with my feet propped up on a pillow {eating m&m's}, {and watching some trashy reality show on Bravo}.


Sara said...

Look at those stitches! At least the scar won't be obvious. :-)

I think that "generation text" concept is so interesting. I agree with you...we used to just run around and play with neighbors or in the yard all the time. I'm so curious to see how different our kids' childhoods will be, especially with technology. I'm already thinking of hiding the Wii!

Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

The field of education has both its good and bad sides. As a teacher it is so rewarding to see students learn and be excited about learning. However, so many of the programs that are promoted in and to the schools and sometimes mandated by the state miss the mark. Sometimes the programs are some college professors idea (like the math program I had in elementary) and they just don't work in real life. The basic ways are always best. Let the child get into things with both hands (and sometimes feet). Kids need to use all their senses and doing computer work, although it can be fun sometimes, should never be the basis on which any education experience is based. Especially in elementary school.

And I am happy to see that William's foot is getting better.
love ya,

Erica said...

Ohhhh, look at William's foot! Poor little guy. I'm glad to hear he's moving around fine and still having lots of fun. He looks adorable in the swing!

I love the articles you shared, and I LOVE how you are being deliberate about keeping the boys engaged in play--real, hands in the dirt, wide open spaces, running too fast, jumping too far, kind of play. Thank you for reminding me of how important this is!

Love you!

Unknown said...

I think the "Generation Text" is interesting as well. It's a fine balance to allowing kids to learn with technology so they are keeping up with today's times of things, while still having them participate in basic kid activities, i.e. going outside to play. As parents we have a HUGE responsibility to find a balance between "play" and technology. Unfortunatley many parents rely on all of these parent responsibilities to be taught at school, when in fact we need to be starting and maintaining them at home. We are fortuante that our girls love to play outside as much as possible and their favorite snacks are generally healthy choices, but I also think the consistancy in which we have done things with them as aided them in making these choices. I know some of my friends/family give us a hard time because we do limit TV, Wii, Leapster, etc and don't have a lot of "junk food" in the house but in the long run I think it will be the best for the girls. They don't miss what they aren't use to having :)