
Sunday, October 02, 2011

Flag Football - Go Grizzlies!

August - 2011 294
In August, Henry started playing flag football through a program our church offers called Upward. This boy loves baseball and this is only the second sport he has tried. Patrick agreed to be the coach along with Brandon. So it was official, Henry and Charlie would play together for the Grizzlies.
August - 2011 259
{Henry running through the tunnel at his first game. His expression a mix of excitement and terror.}
Each player is introduced at the start of the game and they run out on to the field through the cheerleaders to the applause of the crowd and the beat of the intro music. It's fun and festive.
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{The Grizzlies lining up for their introductions.}
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{William and Grandma Vance.}
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{Coach Patrick out on the field.}
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{Charlie handing the ball off to Henry.}
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{Henry and Charlie. A post game celebratory chest bump and booty bump!}
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{William watching from the sidelines. Supporting his big brother and the team.}
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{Henry, Charlie and William. All smiles after the game.}
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{Love these of Henry looking over to see everyone who is cheering him on from the sidelines. I love that his confidence is growing week by week.}
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I'm no football expert, but what I like so far about this program is that the emphasis is on learning the game, teamwork, being Christlike in their attitudes towards each other and being a part of at team and something bigger than themselves. It's not about the score or who wins, although the coaches do recognize those who have displayed hard work on offense and defense. I like that Henry is learning something new and branching out. In the end, I truly don't care what sports Henry plays, if any, but ultimately I want him to learn to be kind to others and to love and care about those around him.
September - 2011 085


Jeanie Bree said...

Amazing photography as always! :) I love how blonde sweet William's hair is.

Christina said...

Thanks, Jeanie - you are always so sweet!

jalison said...

What great pictures! Thank you for sharing so many wonderful windows into your life. Henry is such a doll; even with 2 teeth missing! :) I'm glad he's interested in sports and that he's playing for the right reasons. What a great boy.
That's a really sweet photo of William and Mary; they seem to be having a really deep conversation. I'm guessing he's probably explaining his super heros to her? Ha! So cute.