
Saturday, June 09, 2007

Haircut Heartbreak

Yesterday I took Henry to get his haircut. I brought him to the same place he's been going since his first haircut and to the same stylist. I think yesterday was his 6th or 7th cut. The only real difference was that I was holding him on my lap since the booster chair was already being used by another maybe my perspective of the cut was different. I told the stylist the same thing I always do, "He just needs a trim in the front, sides and back." You know, trim things up, make it look neat, and keep it out of his eyes. Well, about halfway through the cut when she'd made her way around the back and to the front I started to sweat. I noticed that she was cutting well into the sides and doing a lot of layering. Yes, layers. By that time she only had one side left, so I knew I couldn't say just keep it long on the left! More sweat. By the time we got into the car, I was so sad. I really felt heartbroken about his haircut! I called Patrick who had left me a voicemail to see how the cut went, and I started crying. I could barely talk about it!

I will say that Henry is darling and he looks adorable with this hair or any hair. I just was surprised at my attachment to his hair. Everyone keeps telling me that it will grow back but I still feel so upset because I feel like with all of these silly side layers it will never be the same. It's a big boy haircut and I think that's maybe what I'm struggling with. Maybe it's just part him growing up? He is almost 2, I suppose...

Henry's big boy haircut (and sweet little camera smile!)


Sally said...

Maybe it's the picture, but I don't even notice the layers. It is totally normal that you are attached to anything your son has or does, even something that grows back like hair... when Nathan starts learning the "real" word for something I am kind of sad the cute kid word is gone (like "Gla gla," which is now "Howwy," and some day will be "Holly" perfectly). Henry still has a good head of hair on him, and he is so cute! Apparently the haircut didn't make him sad with that cute smile he has!

Amber Stubbs said...

His hair looks adorable...but I can understand why you would be sad. I actually never had Aliyahs hair cut until she was almost three, and then I cut it a quarter of an inch off the back.... :)

Anonymous said...

Henry you are so handsome!! I am going to take you on a date if your Dad and Mom let me.
I totally understand that you are attached. Rick and I gave Preston his first haircut awhile back and now it is super long and curly that I don't want to cut for a long time.