
Monday, June 04, 2007


Today was my first day as a full time stay-at-home mom! I'm loving it. Friday was my last day at Montessori and last week was my last week babysitting for our friend's baby. Both were sad to say good-bye to, I will really miss my co-workers and the sweet children at school, although I know I will stay in touch with several of them (co-workers that is!). It's hard to completely withdraw from that other world-having the chance to shower and get ready complete with a blow dry and nice, coordinated outfit and get out of the house for a guaranteed several hours. As well as feeling like I am financially contributing to the household and supporting some of my spending. I think there are definite things I will miss about not working anymore. Financially we knew that in the fall once the other baby arrives, it won't make sense to continue to work part-time and pay a sitter to watch two babies. Patrick suggested starting to stay home in the summer and having extra time to prepare for the baby and spending time with Henry-I quickly agreed before he'd have a chance to change his mind! I'm really looking forward to this time, but I also know that there's a chance that this will get lonely and I'm hoping to get involved with other moms and get involved in some groups or Bible studies or something.

Our first day was spent going to the park and zoo (the Miller Park Zoo in Bloomington). I loved waking up this morning and knowing that I didn't have to rush to get ready or be anywhere at any certain time. I think it will be a fun summer.

A random side note: a lady at the zoo stopped me to compliment Henry's hair, she then asked, "is that his natural hair color?" Too funny, no he's a two-year old with a hair-dye every 6 weeks.....

1 comment:

Sara said...

Yay! I forgot Friday was your last day - congratulations! Now that you don't have to work on Fridays, maybe we can sneak some "play dates" in. :-)