
Thursday, December 04, 2008

Long overdue

I have definitely been neglecting my blog. Get ready for this earth shaking confession: I've been cheating on Blogger with that little known website called Facebook. Ha Ha. No it's certainly not little known. It's well known and widespread. In fact I have friends on Facebook ranging from elementary school best friends, to little girls (now grown up) that I used to babysit for, to friends of my Mom's. I think it's no exaggeration to say that everyone is on Facebook. Ok, so I know that is a little exaggeration because of I can think of a few people who aren't, but it's not much of one.

I'll spare you the infomercial for Facebook though and tell you that I do miss you Blogger. Facebook has been a great tool for reconnecting with friends from high school and staying in touch with others, but it has also made me a little bit lazy. I seldom do much on my Facebook page (adding pictures, or updating my status), but I find myself able to be on the site for up to an hour. A mindless hour. I find myself cautious about what I write and post on Facebook; more self conscious because I realize that all of the aforementioned "friends" and all of the others who can see my account will have a glimpse into my life. I'm cautious about what I want to share. One reason I started a blog was to stay connected to my friends and family. Another is to have a place to document all of the important (and some pretty mundane) stuff in our family's life; ideally I'll turn my blog into a book on one day and have a scrapbook of all of these events. Wasting mindless hours on Facebook won't help me document all of this stuff though.

Will I still check it? Definitely. More than once a day? Probably. But I'll try to devote at least equal time to blogger too. So I'm back to blogging and with a vengeance. I have lots of updating to do.


Sara said...

Stinkin' Facebook...I, too, have been spending way too much time there!

Good to have you back. :-)

Can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

Love you,


Anonymous said...

I don't have facebook! I have missed reading your makes me feel like we live closer! I received your christmas card, you have the most beautiful looks like a magazine cover or an ad for a whitening detergent!!!! I put it on my bulletin board at work! I miss you Christina! Love, Amber

Unknown said...

Christina~ I can feel your pain. While I am not able to get on to Facebook as often as you, I do partake in it as well and see how you can be on there for an extended period of time and not even realize it! Look forward to new blogs from you though!
