
Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Henry is turning into such a little talker, and with all of his talking he is becoming very independent. Today we were at the children's museum and he wanted to go up a climbing wall (a very small one) to come down a slide. I usually stand really close and without even thinking about it put my hand on his back or somewhere to support him. Today he started to go up and turned to me and said, "bye bye, I do it self." I started to laugh and almost started to cry all at the same time. He's really growing up. When he did get to the top by himself, he was so proud, so I made a big deal about how he did it all by himself and he just beamed. I just wondered when he learned to do so much by himself??

It's amazing to me that my "baby" will soon be the big brother. I know he will seem so big once we've held our new baby. I feel really emotional about how fast time has gone with Henry and just that he's grown up so much. I am also so amazed by him and all that he's learned and is doing now. He's loves to count and can count to ten, if something has more things than ten he will get to ten and then start at 8 again. So he's gets to ten and then goes 8, 9, 10, 8, 9, 10, etc, until he's done counting. He also knows his colors and loves to name colors everywhere for everything. His favorite is green...I think it's a tractor thing. He's also started talking so much and is using lots of expressions. He'll say, "watch this (insert name)", and "Look, see that", just so much talking about everything. Every day I'm amazed by what he knows and does.

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love this cute and you both have your head turned the exact same way! Too funny.

Love you guys! See you Friday (if not sooner :-))!
