
Sunday, January 23, 2011

the game

January - 2011 110
{Henry in his Bears jersey and helmet, watching the game and cheering for the Packers.}

This afternoon we stayed in and cozied up. We snacked on artichoke dip and tortilla chips and twizzlers after a big lunch of pizza and pop. The boys ate Teddy Grahams, in honor of the Bears. I don't get excited for football games until these big ones at the end. I love rooting for a team and love the sense of unity you feel when it's your home team and you imagine most everyone around you is cozy in their living room, eating pizza and wings, too.

Henry loves sports. He finds a little place next to Patrick on the couch, and there they sit, glued side by side during games. Basketball, baseball or football. He will tell you that the Bears are his favorite football team. He even wore his jersey to church today. However, this boy likes to win. He wants to cheer for the winning team. When Patrick predicted the way he thought this game would go: Packers winning over the Bears; Henry decided then and there that even though the Bears are his favorite, he was going to cheer for the Packers. And his risk paid off today, when the Bears lost.

And here's a list because I don't want to forget these funny little things--
Last Sunday Henry told me we were going to watch the Bears game against the "Water Eagles". I told Patrick I have no idea who the Water Eagles are. He was perplexed until he figured out Henry was talking about the Bears vs. Seahawks. Later that afternoon he was talking about the scores of a game against the "Raisins". He kept saying adamantly, "you know, that Raisin team." Again, no clue who on earth in the NFL is called the Raisins. It turned out to be the Ravens.
And then today watching the game, I pointed out number 22, Matt Forte, to Henry because he has the same jersey. He said, "huh? who is it? number for-tay?" Oh my goodness. Seriously the way his sweet little mind works.


Unknown said...

Good for Henry! While Brad loves sports, he's more of a player than a watcher, so in our house the scene is very similar to the one you described in your post, with 2 exceptions it's a mom and a daughter, Kaylee, that our all about the games:)

Sara said...

Love all those little comments in the last paragraph - precious! So glad you guys had a nice cozy day...we did the same here!

Love you!
