
Monday, January 31, 2011

hunkering down

I'm totally stealing the word "hunker" from an email I got from Sara this afternoon. In regards to the big predicted snow storm, she said she was looking forward to being able to hunker down. I haven't been able to shake that same urge, or word since I read her email.
Today we stocked up on groceries and books and movies from the library. Farmer grandpa paid us a visit to talk about back up generators and high winds and power outages and such. We have plenty of candles and matches and of course our fingers are crossed. We hope and pray our power will stay on. But one thing is for sure, whether we'll be here or there (at Farmer grandparents house with the back up generator), we'll be hunkered down and we'll be together.
Tonight hair cuts were in order,
January - 2011 139
{Patrick giving Henry a hair cut. William was the first to go tonight.}
The storming has already started. Schools are already closed. So tomorrow morning will be nice and slow. I'll sip an extra cup of coffee and play Sorry with Henry and maybe make some of these.
How yummy do those look? Nutella + croissants. Yes, please. 
So thank you, Sara, and here's to some hunkering down!


Sara said...

Hahaha - take a look at the title of my post tonight! Too funny. :-)

All I can say is "oh my" to those nutella croissants - please let me know how they turn mouth is watering looking at that picture!

Stay warm, you guys!

love you,


Holly said...

So cute that Patrick cuts the boys' hair. He does a great job!!!

That croissant looks like a roast beef sandwich to me. :P not good!!!

Ruth said...

Oh my, those nutella croissants look scrumptious!!! Have fun "hunkering down"