
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Dear Santa,

November - 2009 193
Today before lunch I helped the boys write letters to Santa. William is still at that very sweet age where he is happy and content with everything that he has. His list is primarily what Henry thinks he would want. Henry had several ideas, with the exeption of a Venus fly-trap, they're mostly all things that have been consistently on his wish list for the past month or two. Speaking of the Venus fly-trap, Henry has been picking up all kinds of interesting vocabulary from the other children at school. Luckily, not interesting like 4-letter words interesting. Just things like "Bakugan", apparently the hottest new toy trend for boys in the 4's class. Here's a conversation from last week:
Henry:"I'm going to buy Jack a Bakugan for his birthday and then he's going to get me one for my birthday."
Me: "What's a Bakugan?"
Henry: "Umm, I don't know but I have to get Jack one for his birthday so he gets me one for mine."
I still don't know what a Bakugan is. But I know that Kale (another friend from school) has one and Jack is getting one from us for his birthday (whenever that is). 
Today after school he chomped me with an empty diaper box and told me it was a Venus fly-trap. Again, he wasn't sure what it was, but it's all the rage in his class. He added it to his Christmas letter as a "p.s.". Then when I explained that it's a real plant that eats things, he crossed it off.
November - 2009 189
November - 2009 196
November - 2009 192
November - 2009 191
November - 2009 217
November - 2009 227
We're planning to bring the letters to the post office to mail. They have a special box this month for Santa.


Holly said...

Love the new blog! How adorable! Where'd you get the cute background and little detailed touches(graphics etc.)? So cute!

LOVE William's scrunchy face smile! Too cute!

What a fun mom you are (writing letters to santa)! I've heard about the bakugan rage- they're still popular in 5th grade!!!

Erica said...

You ARE such a fun mom! These letters are precious and hilarious. I love that Henry insisted on changing it to a fake venus fly trap! Ha ha!
Oh, and are we that old to be completely out of the loop with the latest toys? I have no idea what bakugan is. Never even knew it existed!
Once you find out, please tell me. Or maybe I'll google it :-)
Love you!

Sara said...

This is so, so sweet! I love this idea, though you know the battle I'm having with Gabe about Santa! :-)

And yes, you'll have to fill me in on this Bakugan thing!