
Saturday, December 26, 2009


I can't believe it's all over. Is it just me or do you also feel a little letdown the day after Christmas?
Yesterday--waking up in our house, waking with the boys and racing down the stairs to see if Santa had come and then having hot cocoa together and opening gifts-it was so much fun.
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Santa brought Henry a shooter gun afterall.
He was thrilled! {So was Patrick; I should have gotten one more for him.}
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Henry also got these new snow boots. He wore them all morning and then to Christmas at Patrick's parent's house.
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William also got new boots and was excited to be like his big brother.
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These pictures were before.
Before William got sick and threw up all over Patrick {twice in a row}.
We didn't know why and thought of the worst; the stomach flu and missing the rest of Christmas. After a bath, he had some water and saltines and seemed to feel better, and he didn't have a fever. We decided at the very last minute that we would bring him and go to the Vance's for Christmas there. I prayed that he wouldn't get sick while we were there and didn't have anything. He fell asleep right away in the van and after a long nap he was ok. It must have just been a fluke, something he ate the night before or too many sweets. Thankfully, thankfully, thankfully!
Today we've had a lazy pj day. The boys are busy playing with their new Christmas gifts, going out in the freshly fallen inches of snow and watching movies on tv. The perfect lazy-after-Christmas day.
During naptime I felt especially motivated and ambitious and decided to take down the Christmas decorations. Patrick helped me take down the tree and then we rearranged the living room, swept up inches of pine needles and I organized Christmas stuff. {I went through our bins of Christmas stuff and donated tons of it; we went from 5 bins and 1 box to 2 bins and a box of mini Christmas trees. I'm so excited to take our stuff out next year and have it be so easy. None of that sorting through the stuff we don't use. Hooray!}
So thankful for Jesus, and our family and friends at Christmastime. We had a great time celebrating. More pictures to come!


Holly said...

These pictures are SO ADORABLE! Check out those big smiles!!! WOW! Cuties. I have one problem- I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ALREADY TOOK DOWN YOUR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holstix said...

I love how you capture their reactions. So so so cute! Can you believe Christmas is over. I am happy yet sad at the same time. Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

Sara said...

These pics of the boys are ADORABLE! And Henry's face with the shooter gun is priceless.

Erica said...

CUTE!! Love those matching pj's on the boys! Christmas comes and goes too quickly, and it's always sad the day after. All the preparation and then it's done.

I can't believe how much you donated--You're already off to a great start to your New Year's resolution to being organized. Very impressed!!