
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

is it just me?

Is it just me or is putting on snow gear a huge
{Am I allowed to say butt?}
Sure in the summer there's sunscreen that needs to be applied, but now there's spray on sunscreen.
When will they invent spray on snowpants, puffy coats, mittens, hats and boots?
Yesterday we woke up to the first real snow fall of the year. The boys were so excited. At 7:15 {a.m.}we started the painstaking  super fun process of gearing up to play in outside in the freshly fallen snow. They couldn't wait any longer. Really once we're out there, it is a joy to watch them play. Henry takes such pride in shoveling the driveway and William loves sitting in our big red sled and going for rides up and down the sidewalk.
It's just the snowpants zippers getting jammed, and the cotton gloves getting stuck to the velcro on the bottom of the snowpants and the having to chase William around the table waving his snowpants at him and waiting for him to stop to get in them and the breaking a sweat while doing it.
But the joy once we're outside,
it makes it all worth it.
November - 2009 661
November - 2009 666
November - 2009 668
November - 2009 665
welcome winter!


Erica said...

Snow!!!! You're always so prepared with all of the accessories needed for each season! We still need to buy snow pants and thermal mittens and a hat with ear protection...With that said, putting on all of those things, on TWO boys, would be a HUGE pain in the butt! I think there's no other way to say it. You're a good mama for doing it, despite the battles and sweating. Henry and William LOVE being outside! I love seeing these pictures of them and of all the snow!
Miss you and love you!
PS-You're doing a great job with posting,and I'm loving it! :-)

Amy said...

Too funny! Last week we had our first snow and I was grumbling under my breath about how much fun it was putting on all their gear. I think it took about 20 minutes to get everything on....all for them to play for 15 minutes outdoors. Next time they will not be allowed in quite so soon... LOL. ~Amy

Anonymous said...

I remember the hassles of getting ready to go outside. And it is fun. But I also remember spending what seems like an hour getting ready to go out and then coming back in after 10 minutes because it was too cold.
love ya,