
Saturday, February 19, 2011


I was worried I'd have nothing for you.
To be honest, today felt like a scene right out of Groundhog Day. Remember that movie? Bill Murray wakes up and every day is exactly the same. It has been feeling like that to me a whole lot lately. With Henry home sick for the entire week last week and now sweet William fighting a fever and something that sounds a whole lot like croup, I just feel like each day is the same as the last. Wake up, tend to the sick, clean up, laundry, tuck in, do again. During a run on the treadmill this afternoon at naptime, and wishing I were running six miles away instead, I heard that still, small voice. It spoke to my heart reminding me that these days won't last long; the sick ones or the little children needing so much ones.
That and the added bonus of those post-exercise endorphins fueled me through the rest of the day.
William went to bed early. He's in our bed, so we can keep a close watch on him tonight. When I tucked Henry in he was scared to be in their room all alone, so I grabbed the big book of Curious George stories and curled up next to him. We read through the whole thing and laughed at George's antics. It was my favorite part of this whole day; just reading to read and not rushing through, and spending those pre-sleep moments curled up, laughing with Henry.
{I took that picture with a new camera app on my phone. Last weekend Dan taught me all about apps. I had no idea I even had them on my phone. It's been super fun finding new ones. Thanks, Dan!}


Sara said...

Awww...I'm so sorry William has it now. I will be praying that everyone recovers quickly (and that it doesn't turn into croup!). We are finally on the mend here, but do have some nasty coughs.

Love the new photo app, BTW!

Love you guys,


Holly said...

I'm so sorry to hear William is sick. :( I hope he is feeling better very soon!

Nice job with your long runs (pink shorts!) ;) Does this mean you are training for a full marathon?

Unknown said...

I feel and I have seemed to have the same week:( However, once Kaylee started reading me bedtime stories I found myself reading Ainsley an extra one, or two, because she still needs me to read to her. Where her big sister needs that no more...unless it's a special occasion (deemed by her) then she will "let" me read to her.

Erica said...

Poor William! I'm hoping and praying he feels better soon!

This post is such a good reminder that time with our boys is short. A nice, pre-bed, cuddle is the perfect way to end a day.

Love you guys!

Christina said...

Holly...hi! No I'm not going to run a full marathon. But I am training for the 1/2 marathon again--in Rockford in May. I'm of course just hoping to finish, but I really want to beat my time from last year! So we shall see...