
Friday, February 04, 2011


January - 2011 115
{I love the stripes in this picture. Could there seriously be any more?}
Today it was back to business as usual at the farmhouse. It's Friday, but felt like a Monday after enduring the agonizing battle of getting Henry ready for school, and saying too many times, "because you can't go to school in just your Batman underwear" {just in case you forgot during those three days away}.
William has really taken to books lately. He will stack them, find a cozy place and read through them one by one, stacking them again when he's finished.
He has also taken a liking to using the word 'major', as in "look at all of that snow Mommy; it's major". I will confess that once (maybe twice?) I happened upon The Rachel Zoe Project {I'm pretty sure my mom is rolling her eyes and sighing right about now}, and I think she refers to amazing fashion as 'major'. It stuck with me and now I hear my William using it as a lone adjective to describe something. Isn't that major? It will just hang out with shootfire for a bit.
I hope your weekend is off to a good start. Fridays are major.


Sara said...

Hahaha - love it!

(P.S. Forgot to mention how much I love the "honorable mention" posts - just might need to borrow that idea!)

See you very soon!!!!!!!!

jalison said...

I've said it before, but it bears repeating, I love that kid! He is so cute in a "major" kind of way. :) And you're right; I don't think the photo would have held any more stripes! LOL What a darling post. It's really cute, in a major kind of way. Whawhawha.
Love, Mom
P.S. I didn't roll my eyes and sigh - - until I clicked on the link and 'remembered' who Rachel Zoe is. Then I did both! (You know me too well.)